Make race boat application

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565748

In this project, you will make Race Boat application. Each Race Boat has a name. The name of the boats should be read from a file "boats.txt". You can assume there will be a maximum of 100 boats. Copy and paste the following boat names in the boat.txt file:

Sea Monkey
Cast Away

The application should be able to accept commands from the user. The user has to provide the commands in the following format:

<Boat name>, <command>

Sea Monkey, power on
Sea Monkey, turn left
Sea Monkey, speed up

The acceptable commands are the following (Any other command should be considered invalid):

Command (1st line in bold)
Description (2nd line non-bold):

power on
This commands powers up the boat
power off
This commands powers off the boat
speed up
This commands increases the boat speed by the minimum speed increment 2 mph
slow down
This commands decreases the boat speed by the minimum speed decrement 2 mph
turn left
This commands turns the boat to the left by the minimum left turn degree 5 deg
turn right
This commands turns the boat to the right by the minimum right turn degree 5 deg

After each command is entered and executed, the state of the boat should be output.

Reference no: EM131565748

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