Make integer linear optimization model-nutritional targets

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131440566

Question: Anya is a part-time business student who works full time and is constantly on the run. She recognized the challenge of eating a balanced diet and wants to minimize cost while meeting some basic nutritional requirements. Based on some research, she found that a very active woman should consume 2,250 calories per day. According to one author's guidelines, the following daily nutritional requirements are recommended in the table at the right.


840_Nutritions 1.png

She chose a sample of meals in the table above that could be obtained from healthier quick-service restaurants around town as well as some items that could be purchased at the grocery store. Anya does not want to eat the same entrée (first six foods) more than once each day but does not mind eating breakfast or side items (last five foods) twice a day and protein powder-based drinks up to four times a day, for convenience. Develop an integer linear optimization model to find the number of servings of each food choice in a daily diet to minimize cost and meet the nutritional targets.

Reference no: EM131440566

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