Reference no: EM133373566
1. All geologic hazards reports shall include, at a minimum:
a. A one to twenty four thousand (1:24,000) scale geologic map, with references, showing the general surface geology (landslides, alluvial fans, etc.), bedrock geology where exposed, bedding attitudes, faults, and other geologic structural features;
b. A detailed site map of the subject area, at a scale equal to or more detailed than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200'), showing the locations of subsurface investigations and site specific geologic mapping performed as part of the geologic investigation, including boundaries and features related to any geologic hazards, topography, and drainage. The site map must show the location and boundaries of the property, geologic hazards, delineation of any recommended setback distances from hazards, and recommended locations for structures. Buildable and nonbuildable areas shall be clearly identified;
c. trench logs, when applicable, prepared in the field and presented in the geologic hazard report at a scale equal to or more detailed than one inch equals five feet (1" = 5');
d. Boring logs when applicable, prepared with standard geologic nomenclature;
e. Listing of aerial photographs used and other supporting information, as applicable;
f. Conclusions, clearly supported by adequate data included in the report, that summarize the characteristics of the geologic hazards, and that address the potential effects of the geologic conditions and geologic hazards on the proposed development and occupants thereof, particularly in terms of risk and potential damage;
g. Specific recommendations for additional or more detailed studies, as may be required to understand or quantify a geologic hazard;
h. Data upon which recommendations and conclusions are based, shall be clearly stated in the report; and (endnote)
i. A statement shall be provided regarding the suitability of the proposed development from a geologic hazard perspective.