Make bar graphs and export them as pdf files

Assignment Help PHP Web Programming
Reference no: EM131669029


PHP developer to improve and add more functions to project. It is a Cancer registry system that needs to have the following attributes; Enter data, review data, make reports and produce bar charts or pie charts on statistics. I need this work done within one week so please only send a proposal if you can do it within a short time.

There are three users in this system

1) Data collector.

This role includes:

i) Enter data
ii) View flagged data
iii) Edit data that they specifically entered

The data collector has a profile where he/ she can view the following:

i) View list of his previous entries
ii) Change password

For a new data collector account there has to be a registration form to fill. The account is inactive until approved by the admin.

2) Data Analysis Officer

This role includes:

i) Reviewing all data
ii) Making reports based on data in the database
iii) Make bar graphs and export them as pdf files.
iv) Flag data that is suspicious

For a new data analysis officer account there has to be a registration form to fill. The account is inactive until approved by the admin.

3) Admin

This role includes:

i) Approving or revoking accounts or other users

In the zipped file there a CSV file with data collected from a different cancer registry. Import it in MySQL format in phpmyadmin. Create a database with the following tables:

1) Allusers - it should contain the information used to register and log by all users.
2) Patients. It should contain, date of birth, gender, a patient ID, and a tumour ID
3) Tumours table - it should contain all the data about tumours and other information about the cancer disease.
4) Other tables that you need to complete the project

Any data entered should have a validation method to ensure it is the correct format.

As I guide of what a cancer registry is here is a link on one that is open source "

However, I need it in PHP not any other language.

Reference no: EM131669029

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