Make an evaluation of a movie

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131144602

write about movie:-
1. summary for the movie, thesis, unlike any other movies, what kind of movie, dialogue, acting.

2. definition

3. main body

•dialogue and Explain give some example

•acting and Explain and some example

Write it in five pages put the first draft in three pages file.

Justifying an Evaluation

This essay requires you to make an evaluation of a subject and support that evaluation through accepted and relevant standards appropriate to the category of which your subject belongs. Provide evidence for illustrative purposes for readers to, hopefully, accept

Subject is to be a movie / film. It should be one that you are familiar enough with to be able to write about using specific examples, such as scene description, use of dialogue, character behaviors, camera angles, background music...etc.

Remember - "An evaluation is at bottom a judgment; you judge something according to certain criteria, supporting your judgment with reasons and evidence."

This assignment will require you to utilize several writing strategies we have been working on  -description, definition, summarization, categorization, exemplification...etc. They are all used toward a specific goal though.

Purpose: To make a reasoned evaluation (judgment) about a topic to support with evidence.

Audience: A group of contemporary readers (these readers may have seen the movie/film or may not have, depending on the popularity of the movie/film; imagine readers being in your generation (18-35 years old)

There are specific features to an evaluation that you need to be aware of, as your readers will expect to find the following elements:

• A concise description of the subject (a brief summary)
• Clear and effective thesis statement (judgment)
• Clearly defined and appropriate criteria for evaluation
• A knowledgeable discussion of the subject
• A balanced and fair assessment
• Well-supported reasons

Try to think of what your readers might make assumptions about in terms of genre, actors, subject matter...etc. Are these elements that you need to work to overcome preconceptions of or can you work with any preconceived notions?

Reference no: EM131144602

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