Make an employee class with enough numbers of data members

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132914


You are asked to make an Employee class with enough numbers of data members to store employee data of following structure-

ID Name City State Hourly Rate Work Hours Salary
6984 John Trovota Chicago IL 15.50 11
2323 Britney Speer Milwaukee WI 12.25 33
1452 Kathy Johnson Lasing MI 9.75 27
4321 Bill Newton Chicago IL 26.25 29

Also included in class definition are functions such as, constructor, getter, setter, & processor. The salary, that is the product of hourly_rate & work_hours, can be calculated by a processor function or by the constructor.

In the key function of your program, 4 Employee objects (e1, e2, e3, & e4) will be instantiated from Employee class. You program has to display these 4 objects (including salary) as its output.


Reference no: EM132914

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