Make an advertisement for a magazine

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133339246

Assignment: The new product I am recommending for Apple to launch is a smart TV, called iTV. A smart TV is similar to a traditional TV but with the capability to connect to the internet either through Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable. Thus, allowing users to browse the web, stream videos, and play games (Erinfolami, 2021). These features are in addition to viewing televised programs provided by the user's local cable company. Furthermore, smart TVs are equipped with their own operating system, similar to smartphones, which provides users with access to some additional features such as apps from Apple's app store. Some features of an Apple smart TV would include "surfing the web; browsing social media sites; seamless integration with Apple smart home devices; superior gaming experience due to the high screen resolution and enhanced voice control" ("A Basic Guide to Smart TV That You Need to Know", 2022).

One way in which this product would differ from the original product is that it would provide users with an enhanced voice control feature. With this feature, users can directly control their smart TV either by issuing voice commands directly at the TV or into the remote control. Also, it will have the ability to recognize the voice of family members who are talking and make recommendations for them based on previous interactions.

Question: This new product would be a deepening of an existing product line as Apple already has a product category called "TV and home" which sells media streaming boxes. Thus, Apple users will now be able to use their media streaming box, Apple TV4K, to stream content on the iTV.

Make an Advertisement for a magazine.


Reference no: EM133339246

Questions Cloud

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Make an advertisement for a magazine : This new product would be a deepening of an existing product line as Apple already has a product category called "TV and home" which sells media streaming boxes
Adjusted in different prison environments : Discuss why leadership styles may need to be adjusted in different prison environments.
Discuss the principles that you have used in preparing : summarize the marketing scenario that your research company is addressing. You will clearly highlight the topic that is to be researched. This part of the paper
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Examine transient advantage : I would like to examine transient advantage. Can you please help me make the connection with the book?


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