Reference no: EM1335650
Create a database using Microsoft Access with a table called tblFonts. This table has the following columns.
ID - This is the Primary Key with a data type of AutoNumber.
Font: - Data type of Text, Indexed with no duplicates (allows only unique values).
Add at least five fonts ("Arial", etc) to the Font column in order to test your application.
Create a Visual Studio 2008 ASP .NET Web Site with two Web Forms. Add a DropDownList server control and a Label server control to the first Web Form. Connect the DropDownList server control to the Font column of tblFonts. Display your name in the Label server control's Text property. Write an event-handler that changes the Font.Name of the Label server control based on the item selected by the user in the DropDownList server control.
The second Web Form contains a TextBox server control, a Label server control, and a Button server control. Connect the Web Form to the tblFonts table of the database. Write an event handler that allows the user to add a new record to tblFonts. Use Try.Catch code blocks to display an error message in the Text property of the Label server control if the user attempts to add a duplicate font to the database. Use a RequiredFieldValidator server control to verify the user inputs something into the TextBox control.
The name of your Visual Studio 2008 Web Site should be based on your last name. For example, if your last name is Jones, then assign the name, Jones_IP2.