Make a view called v_no_cost

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1333319

Using the ITD410_P1 database you created for the Independent Project in Unit 1, write scripts in a file called ITD410_P3.SQL to create the following views. Remember to include a uses clause at the top of your script file to use the ITD410_P1 database. Also include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and recreated.

Create a view named v_Customers showing the customer ID, service code, and work date where the date is more recent than August 1, 2005.

Create a view called v_no_cost with all columns of the services table, but not the cost column.

Create a view called v_Count that shows the number of customers who received each type of service. The view should have columns for service code and count.

Reference no: EM1333319

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