Make a thermodynamic analysis of this process

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131271235

A plant has saturated steam available at 2700 kPa, but there is little use for this steam. Rather, steam at 1000 kPa is required. Also available is saturated steam at 275 kPa. A suggestion is that the 275 kPa steam be compressed to 1000 kPa, using the work of expanding of the 2700 kPa steam to 1000 kPa. The two streams at 1000 kPa would then be mixed. Determine the rates at which steam at each initial pressure must be supplied to provide enough steam at 1000 kPa so that upon condensation to saturated liquid heat in the amount of 300 kW is released

(a) If the process is carried out in a completely reversible manner.

(b) If the higher-pressure steam expands in a turbine of 78% efficiency and the lowerpressure steam is compressed in a machine of 75% efficiency. Make a thermodynamic analysis of this process.

Reference no: EM131271235

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