Reference no: EM133303218
Assignment: Make a synthesis of the interview.
Interviewer: we are here to conduct interview on tourism industry sector. what is the status of the tourism industry in the country and in the city today?
answer: Thank you for that question. The tourism here in the Philippines and in the city is that due to the pandemic a lot of the hotels, inns, travel agency, even the beaches that are open all of the tourist were being closed, but after the pandemic this year, the tourism made a lot of impact as well because due to the rehabilitation of the Boracay island the wonderful seas of siragao, and palawan. I must say that it is really the reason why the tourist prefers the philppines rather the other beaches to the other countries. So, for that question as well, I can say that from the downfall of the tourism industry now it is slowly to starting rise as well. So, it is a good opportunity for all of us to rise back as well.
Interviewer: Okay maam thank you for that wonderful answer. We have a question again. How do you see the tourism industry in the country and in the city for the next 10 to 20 years?
answer: It really hard to actually see it to 10 to 20 years because it depends on the current administration of the president. For example, because of Duterte from his previous administration he made a great impact to all of the foreign nationals because of his rampant issue to stop the drug here in the Philippines. And that made a really big impact to all tourist because they all knew that is it hard to to imagine to stay here in the Philippines. So, most of the tourist that visit the Philippines is that they go mostly to go mostly to the beaches for example the Boracay and siargao but if you will tell me that the tourist are willing to visit the cities is very hard but due to Duterte's administration he showed a lot to foreigners and other countries that the Philippines is really safe.As of the moment, bong bong marcos should really focus on the tourism in the philipines as well. He should imply and follow the footsteps of Duterte on even the safety for filipino people as well as for the foreign nationals who are willing to visit and stay in the Philippines for vacation and residing here in the Philippines.
Interviewer: So, for the next questions is what do you suggest should be done to make tourism industry in the country and in the city more promising?
answer: As like what Duterte said the number 1 thing that the administrations should do is the safety for all people. Because If we could remember about the Rizal bombing happen in Rizal park in manila where a lot of Chinese nationals where held hostage and that was the time of Aquino. If I'm not mistaken it really shock a lot of tourist as well. And that time because we are already in our house in davao city before that a lot of Chinese, Koreans, and other nationals who visit the city for business. But due to what happen in that bombing a lot of our foreign customers as well has lessen. Because for them, that what happened in Rizal bombing made a great impact to the Philippines because it showed that the Philippines cannot protect the tourist here in the Philippines. So, for me the number 1 thing they should do is that they should really keep an eye for the safety of all the people who are going and living in the country.
Interviewer: How do laws affect the tourism industry?
answer: It affects a huge part actually for the tourism industry because without the safety the laws that are being regulated here in I must say that it will be chaos without the laws and safety for the tourist people. I mean, for example is the rehabilitation of Boracay island a lot of tourist stop going to Boracay island but after the rehabilitation that the Duterte administration did the Boracay island was rehabilitated in a beautiful way. So, a lot of tourist was curious of what happen after the rehabilitation. So, after the rehabilitation a lot of tourist went to Boracay to see and experience the new beauty of Boracay. So, I think it really depends on the laws that are being provided for the tourist and to the filipino people if it will be a good thing or a bad thing, but laws should be really applied and should be conducted properly.
Interviewer: For the last questions ma'am. If there are regulations or laws you think should be passed to help improve tourism industry, what could it be? How will it help improve our tourism industry?
answer: This is the experience that I had encountered just a few months back. It is about the renewal of passport. I must say that here in the Philippines it takes as 2 weeks to get our passport unlike to the other country especially korea is have to go like a went to a studio and get your picture taken and give your passport to the agency then they will be the one to provide your passport. So it is easier for them unlike here in the [hilippines it take as days just to get the invitation for the passport appointment the wait for the result and the service as well. So, it is uneasy for us unlike to other country that it just takes them a few hours to happen. So, that's the only thing right now I would say that would help us improve the quality for our tourism here. If we will follow the footsteps of other country as well.