Reference no: EM131467287
Part -1:
Linux Networking
Preparation/Pre-caution work:
- Learn more about the basic/advanced networking topics, if you want to.
- You are not required to use a static IP or a cross-over Ethernet cable for this homework.
- The working time listed after some of questions is just a reference. Please work on it based on your own pace.
- This is not a group project so you are required to do your own work.
- Why do we have to do homework? "Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand." - Chinese proverb.
o Try the following steps to install the gcc(ie., c++) compiler
o yum update audit
o yum -y install gcc gcc-c++
o //To compile: g++ filename.cpp or g++ filename.cpp -o filename.exe
o //To execute: ./a.out or ./filename.exe
1. Write an add/delete users utility program to add or delete some new/old user accounts on your Linux system.
a. Process the first 100 user records from an input file "userNames1000.txt" (in the homework folder).
- Each record/line has the format of username:id (e.g., Jacob:20153).
b. For each user account/credential, your program will:
- use the "username" (e.g., Jacob, Mason, ...) in the file as his/her account user name
- use "se-id" as his/her account password (e.g., se-20153, se-19396, se-17151, se-16861, ...). That is prefix the "se-" before the id to create the password.
c. It is up to you to create one program (e.g., addDeleteUsers.cpp) or two programs (addUsers.cpp and deleteUsers.cpp) for this exercise.
d. When your program delete a user, the program will delete the user's account and all his/her directory/subdirectories/files from the system as well.
e. Submit all your source code files in one zip file to the blackboard system.
a. Feel free to use the addDeleteUserSample.cpp.txt as a template
b. Refer to Strings and String Manipulation in C++
c. Feel free to use Linux's free utility program to compress/zip files
Learn how to test:
- Show me/yourself the process of adding the 100 users to your system.
o Then select a user randomly and use the user's credential (username and password, e.g., Lucas, se-10324) to login into his/her account.
o or use the "Users and Groups" GUI to verify the result after adding the users, if necessary.
- Show me the process of deleting the 100 users.
o change to /home and use ls to check the user directories.
o or use the "Users and Groups" GUI to verify the result after deleting the users, if necessary
Part -2:
Preparation/Pre-caution work:
- You are not required to use a static IP or a cross-over Ethernet cable for this homework.
- This is not a group project so you are required to do your own work.
- Why do we have to do homework? "Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand." - Chinese proverb.
o Before you work on any of the exercises below, please create a new user account with the following credentials: Username: webuser; Password: sosu-2015
o Make sure the Firewall setting is correct for this assignment.
o Google the web to learn how to do any of the following exercises, if necessary.
1. Make a Straight-through Ethernet cable.
- Refer to the file, cable_Cat5.pdf, and use page 2 as the guide of making the straight-through cable.
- You can check out the cabling tools from Mr. Preston Bingham in room CB-107.
To test:
- Use the Ethernet cable tester and make sure that the sequences of go by the following orders:
On one side (e.g. left) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 and the other side (e.g. right) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. [the number-5 light on the tester might not lite on so please ignore it.]
- Otherwise, please re-do the wiring again.
2. Set up a vsftpd service/server.
- Refer to the text book for more information if necessary.
- Do the following changes:
I. Change the ftpd_banner message to "Welcome to YourName's FTP Durant site!"
II. Enable the anonymous user login permission (read/create/delete/list permissions).
III. Allow the anonymous user to upload files to your ftp server
- To test the connection, use any ftp client software (e.g., FileZilla) from your Win7 workstation and make a connection to your server. And make sure that a local user (e.g., webuser) has the read/write/create/delete permissions.
3. Putting LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql, and Php) together to create a Comment Forum website.
a. Create a comment_table with the fields of id, comment, email and phone and assign all the permissions to the webuser.
b. Create a new comment forum webpage containing three textboxes and two buttons. (Refer to Figure 1 below)
- Don't worry about the format/style if you are not familiar with HTML language. Just putting up the three textboxes on your webpage will be fine.
- Feel free to refer to/use any of the sample files (e.g., AllinOne_phpFormComment_sp15.doc, phpFormComment.html.txt, phpInsertComment.php.txt, ..., etc) for references.
c. Test your forum application using the url below from any other machine
- https://LinuxServerIP/~webuser/phpFormComment.html
- Refer to figure 2 as an example.
d. Create a new page to indicate the comment, email, phone-no have been insert into the comment_table after a user clicks the Submit button from the form comment page. In addition, provide a php-select-sqlcommend link on the same page.
- Refer to figure 2 as an example.
e. Create a new page to make sure that after a user clicks the php-select-sqlcomment link it will display all the comments, emails, and phones from your comment_table table.
- Refer to figure 3 as an example.
f. Zip all the files into one file and submit it to your blackboard account. You will lose 10 points if you haven't done so by 11:59 pm on the demonstration day.
I. Make sure that all the webpage and php files are stored under the webuser's public_html directory. In addition, in your php code, you have to use webuser's credential to access or insert data into the comment_table. A 15 points will be ducted if you don't do so.
Part -3:
- This is not a group project so you are required to do your own work.
- When you need to use another machine to test the services on your Server 2012, you can use a virtual machine that you have setup in your virtual box to do the job. There are two vdi files (WinXp-32.vdi and Win7Pro32.vdi) available over the blackboard for you to use.
- Make sure that you change the name of your server 2012 to a simple one (e.g., johnse2014, instead of WIH-HBM68HLV3QW).
- If necessary, clone your server 2012 to a different location (e.g., f:\temp) in case you mass up the setting while working on the following exercises.
- Turn off all the firewall setting on all your virtual machines if necessary.
**** Please complete the following exercises and use only "Host-only Network" settings: *****
1. Set up a Domain controller and the Active Directory on the Win2012 server workstation.
What do you need to do:
- Create a fictitious domain name of your liking (e.g.,
- Add a new Domain user account with
- name: johndoe, password: sosu-2014, accountType: administrator to your domain.
- Refer to our textbook or the link below for more information, if necessary.
- Installing Active Directory, DNS and DHCP to Create a Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller (inside a virtual box), [27:45]
2. Set up a DNS server over the Win2012 server workstation.
What do you need to do:
- Add a fictional printer named: printer360 and with ip: using the A record format into your zone.
- Use nslookup or ping command to make sure the printer's IP is set up correctly.
- Feel free to pick any zone name of your choice
- Introduction to Using DNS Server on Windows Server 2012
3. Set up a DHCP server over the Win2012 server workstation.
Warning: Use "Host-only Network" setting when you work on this exercise.
If I find out that you use "Bridged Network" setting to connect to our school's network while your DHCP server is activated on your Sever 2012:
- You will lose 20 points in total on this homework for the first time.
- You will lose 30 points in total on this homework for the second time.
- You will lose 60 points in total on this homework for the third time.
- You will lose all the points on this homework for the fourth time.
What do you need to do:
- Set up 100 private IP addresses in the range of x.x.x.150 through x.x.x.250 (e.g. - for any DHCP clients.
- Set up the leasing time to 3 days only.
- Make sure to test the DHCP server by using another machine.
4. Set up another windows computer to join a Domain created on a Win2012 computer. [5%]
What do you need to do:
- Add/Join a Windows computer (e.g., Windows 7) to your Domain.
- If necessary, use "YourDomainName\Administrator" as the user name instead of just "Administrator", when you try to join a machine to the domain.
- Restart the machine and login in to test the settings.
- References:
- If necessary, refer to the link below or Google the topic to get more information.
- Adding Windows Computers to a Windows Server 2012 Domain
5. Set up a Web server (IIS) on the Server 2012 to allow other computers to visit the web site.
What do you need to do:
- Put a html file, with the file name index.htm and content (see below) under your web server's home/root (default web directory) directory (i.e., c:/inetpub/wwwroot).
- You can use a dynamic or static IP address of your choice.
- Test your web server by using another computer. For example, in the client computer's browser, type "" (without quotes) to test the connection.
- If necessary, configure your firewall so enable the http connection.
- Refer to Chapter 1 of Book VIII for more information, if necessary.
6. Set up a virtual website with the Alias name "music" for the music department over your Server 2012 so that a client can visit that website.
What do you need to do:
- Put a simple index.htm file into that virtual directory (e.g. music) so a client can visit that website.
- Test the connection from another machine by typing the URL (e.g.,
7. Set up a home-directory for a domain user on the domain on your Win2012 machine.
The purpose of this exercise is to emulate how to setup a student account over the student domain on our SE campus.
What do you need to do:
a. Create a share folder named "newusers" under your C:\ drive and make sure that you have set all the security and access setting correctly.
b. Create two domain user accounts (bill and alice) on your Server 2012.
c. Under the Profile tab, set up a home-directory for bill (e.g., \\yourserver\newusers\bill, will be mapped to c:\newusers\bill) and alice. Assign the driver letter "W" for bill and alice.
d. Use another windows computer to login into the domain on the Server 2012 machine by using bill's credential (username and password).
e. To a test to make sure that once bill logs on the domain, he will be in his home-directory and has all the read/write/create/delete ... permissions (i.e., full-access).
f. In addition, make sure that bill doesn't have the right to access alice's directory at all.
- Refer to the link below or Google the topic to get more information: Configuring User Home Folders - Windows 2008 R2. The setting is the similar on the Server 2012.
o [8:43]
o or (Configuring Group Policy (Part 1) - Windows Server 2008 R2) [13:08]