Make a method to calculate the value of entire inventory

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1326979

Modify the Inventory Program so the application can handle multiple items. Use an array to store the items. The output should display the information one product at a time, including the item number, the name of the product, the number of units in stock, the price of each unit, and the value of the inventory of that product. In addition, the output should display the value of the entire inventory.
? Create a method to calculate the value of the entire inventory.
? Create another method to sort the array items by the name of the product.

This statement CANNOT be in the code:
List <Product> list = new ArrayList <Product> ();
"product" is not showing for some reason
I guess this is not how I am supposed to create the array.

The first OTA included that statement for the first part which I have attached. It is the file inventorypart1 that needs to be modified and the statement "List <Product> list = new ArrayList <Product> ();" be taken out.

It is very important not to add anything extra

I have attached examples according to the class instructor and also the reading material.

Any questions please post them before posting the solution.

The does not need to be changed, I included it for reference.

Reference no: EM1326979

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