Reference no: EM132808606
Proper training is one of the most important tools in maintaining a successful OHS program. Without training, all the company's policies & procedures are just words on paper. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same way. Safety training can often be viewed as a burden to the employer, and in many cases, will only be done because they have to do it. How often have you heard the phrase, "we just don't have time to do it"? On the list of priorities, it's often near the bottom, but when it comes to cutbacks, it's always near the top. Getting everyone to do the training can sometimes feel daunting, and getting all the managers engaged is not always easy. In this case study, your group will discuss the different challenges you've faced within your industries with when it comes to safety training.
- Make a list of the different challenges you've experienced to promoting safety training, and determine if there are any commonalities amongst your group.
- Discuss the different methods you've used in engaging management towards safety training, and share your top 5 strategies.
- In what ways should Senior Management be involved in your safety program?
- What are the benefits of having Senior Management involved in the safety program?
- If senior management thinks safety training is a waste of time, what key points could you present to convince them otherwise?
- What is the KEY takeaway your group has learned from this case study?
Tourism and hospitality is a diverse sector comprised of workers from varied cultures, backgrounds, ages, and languages. This is one of the reasons our industry is so unique. But with this diversity, comes its challenges. In the case of a large hotel, where a housekeeping department is comprised of workers from all over the world, training can sometimes be a challenge to due language barriers. And although many corporate properties have developed strong training programs, it's not always fully understood by each person in the room. Knowing this, what types of tools, methods, and practices can an employer use to ensure proper training has been provided? As a group, discuss the following topics:
- Make a list of different training techniques you can use when trying to overcome a language barrier?
- At the end of the training, what methods can you use to determine whether or not the worker understood?
- How effective are visual aids when it comes to training and why?
- When developing a training plan for an employee who has English as a second language, what types of things should you consider when putting your training plan together?
- What is the KEY takeaway your group has learned from this case study?