Make a cx strategy that is adapted to the company customers

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Reference no: EM133258283

Assignment - Customer Journey Map PPT

Question Description - Create a customer journey strategy for your company's (THERMOS) customers


Make a CX strategy that is adapted to the company's customers.

Personalize your approach for your customers.

Choose a tool or tools that can help you keep track of customer data across departments.

Create 8-10 slides in PowerPoint or equivalent.

Make your visuals attractive.

Do not put too many words on your slides - no more than 5 bullet points maximum, with 7 words maximum per bullet point.

Create a pitch -

Start with a clear, engaging introduction (as if you were presenting to a boss or investors): Get us interested

Include 3-5 pieces of supporting data that show how your strategy will be effective

Finish with a persuasive conclusion (what do you want your audience to do or remember?)

Reference no: EM133258283

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