Make a class employee

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13165310

Make a class EMPLOYEE with a name and salary. Make a class MANAGER inherit from EMPLOYEE. Add an instance field, named DEPARTMENT, of type STRING. Supply a method toSTRING that prints the manager's name, department, and salary. Make a class EXECUTIVE inherit from MANAGER. Supply appropriate toSTRING methods for all classes. Supply a test program that tests these classes and methods.

Verified Expert

In the assignment it was required to declare three classes. The declaration of the classes and their definitions can be found in the employee.cpp file. It was also asked to make a test for the classes, which can be found in employeetst.cpp. The source codes compile and work, they can be compiled using the makefile I supplied, or by doing a separated compilation, please take note that the test file requires the definitions of the classes.

Reference no: EM13165310

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