Reference no: EM132563873
Reading the scenario below; make a case by appeal to a utilitarian argument.
The wind farms of Northern California produce clean electricity. Every light bulb illuminated by the giant turbines represents less destruction of the earth by mining and drilling operations and less contamination of the air by coal- and oil-fired power plants. It also represents fewer California Condors. The spinning blades of the windmills erected in spots including the Altamont Pass are proving deadly for the rare birds, which are a kind of vulture. Here is a reaction by the environmental writer and activist Jim Wiegand:
"For all the 'green energy' believers out there, this is a video you have to see. Each year across America thousands of eagles, hawks, owls, falcons, vultures and condors perish at green energy wind farms. This video will open your eyes and your mind when you see how easily a soaring vulture is smashed by the innocent looking blades of a prop wind turbine."
Fatal Accident with Vulture on a Windmill
The video shows a large and calm vulture cycling slowly around a modern wind turbine and then getting struck by one of the spinning blades. The bird drops out of the air. Left on the ground beside the towering contraption, it drags and struggles to flap its broken wing.
Assume that, for whatever reason, you're convinced that those condors being cut down by California wind turbines have ethical rights comparable with the ones we deposit in human animals. Can you nonetheless outline an argument in favor of continued windmill use because of the clean energy it provides?
Make your case by appeal to a utilitarian argument.