Major stakeholders towards development of policy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133178227

The human resource department plays a key part in constructing company policy. For this assignment, you are required to analyze issues within an organization you are familiar with or your own with a focus on design and implementation. Previously, you interviewed an HR professional. Now, you will find another HR professional within or outside your organization. Has the individual interviewed identify a current policy that has been implemented with the company? Use the following questions to guide the interview about policy design and implementation:

What need will the new policy address?

Who were the major stakeholders towards the development of the policy and why?

What process did you follow regarding the creation of the policy?

How was the policy change introduced to employees and what type of training was utilized?

How regularly is the policy being reviewed for efficiency?

Reference no: EM133178227

Questions Cloud

Early life experiences have a major impact on self-esteem : Early life experiences have a major impact on self-esteem. A lack of self-esteem causes many barriers to communication.
How are trademarks and patents different : In what ways does business law apply to you? How are trademarks and patents different? Should they be?
In evaluating personality types and cognitive styles : In evaluating personality types and cognitive styles, which types/styles do you consider important for identifying with personality differences among people?
Evolution of commerce clause of constitution : Explain how the evolution of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States affects businesses and the Cougars in particular
Major stakeholders towards development of policy : Who were the major stakeholders towards the development of the policy and why? What process did you follow regarding the creation of the policy?
Benefits of organizational diversity : Evaluate how organizational cultures are perceived and how problem solving and creativity are promoted with organizational diversity
Develop table on performance appraisals : You will develop a table on performance appraisals (PA) and how they are applied to training.
Create balanced scorecard for the financial : Create a balanced scorecard for the financial, customer, business, and learning aspects of the project and insert it onto the discussion board.
Effective recruiting-hiring and selection strategies : Find a recent (within the past 12 months) article, webinar or blog on effective recruiting, hiring and/or selection strategies.


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