Major sources of resistance faced by ceo barton

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13221150

Your task is to carry out a critical analysis and evaluation of strategy development in a well established international manufacturer of heavy construction equipment, using the information provided and other materials researched. You will be expected to select and apply appropriate theories, techniques and models studied during the module whilst having regard to the practical aspects of strategic renewal.

Your assignment should be presented in a business report format and should be within the range 3,000 +/- 500 words (excluding executive summary, references and relevant appendices). The report should include a title page and executive summary and be fully and consistently referenced, using the Harvard Referencing style. You must also submit a CD or DVD Rom containing an electronic version of the report. This should be clearly labelled with your name, your course and the name of the case study.

It is recommended that you research information additional to the case study to support your arguments. This may be obtained from a diverse range of sources and you are encouraged to research the issues in whichever way you deem appropriate.

Question One:

a) What were the major internal and external factors forcing Caterpillar to renew its strategy in the period 1985-2001?

b) Highlight the measures the company took to solve its problems during this time period.

Question Two:

a) Which major sources of resistance against change can be identified at Caterpillar during the reign of CEO's Schaefer and Fites?

b) What would you expect to be the major sources of resistance faced by CEO Barton?

Question Three:

a) What were the major revolutionary changes that shaped Caterpillar's business system and organisational system between 1985-2001? Which evolutionary changes took place during the same period of time?

b) What seems to be the dominant perspective at Caterpillar in respect of strategic change?

Reference no: EM13221150

Questions Cloud

Discuss the impact of a strong culture on organization : Discuss the impact of a strong culture on organization and managers.
Develop a list of topics that nonpurchasing personnel : Develop a list of topics that nonpurchasing personnel should be allowed to talk about with their counterparts at suppliers. Develop a list of topics that only purchasing should be allowed to talk about with suppliers.
What is difference between leading and managing a project : What is the difference between leading and managing a project?
How important purchasing is to success of an organization : What are some of the factors that might influence how important purchasing is to the success of an organization?
Major sources of resistance faced by ceo barton : What were the major revolutionary changes that shaped Caterpillar's business system and organisational system between 1985-2001? Which evolutionary changes took place during the same period of time?
Explain what is the isothermal compressibility of hg : liquid mercury at atmospheric pressure and 298K to 1.25L at constant temperature requires 46.6kbar (kilobars) of external pressure. What is the isothermal compressibility of Hg(l)?
What is the assets economical after-tax life : You are given an asset with a 5 year life and salvage values and annual costs given below: Year 0: SV: $100,000 A.C:$ - Year 1: SV: $75,000 A.C:$ 30,000 Year 2: SV: $41,000 A.C:$ 40,000 Year 3: SV: $30,000 A.C:$ 60,000 Year 4: SV: $22,000 A.C:$ 90..
How do mnc managers manage conflict : How do MNC managers manage conflict? Compare or contrast managing conflict resolutions using the instrumental-oriented conflict approach and the expressive-oriented conflict approach.
Define organizational behavior : Identify and discuss the five main motivational theories of management.


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