Major project could result in bad publicity for the firm

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133505008

Better blow the whistle," says Roy, your friend and project teammate at Final Four Industries. "The project is out of control, and you know it!" "Maybe so," you respond, "But that's not my call-I'm not the project manager." What you do not say is that Stephanie, the project manager, feels like her career is on the line and she is reluctant to bring bad news to management at this time. She honestly believes that the project can catch up, and says that a bad report on a major project could result in bad publicity for the firm and frighten potential customers.

To be fair, the next management progress report is scheduled in three weeks. It is possible that the team could catch up, but you doubt it. You wonder if there is an ethical question here: Even though the report is not due yet, should a significant problem be reported to management as soon as possible? You are concerned about the issue, and you decide to discuss it with Stephanie. What will you say to her?

Reference no: EM133505008

Questions Cloud

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Difference between positional and influential authority : Discuss the difference between positional and influential authority. Discuss the trust/ownership model. Discuss Dan Pink's 3 drivers of motivation.
Select consultants who prioritize ethical practices : How can organizations ensure they select consultants who prioritize ethical practices and support a fair and balanced approach to labor relations?
Brandbourg explored number of strategic creative avenues : BrandBourg explored a number of strategic creative avenues, using research to confirm and validate the optimal design.
Major project could result in bad publicity for the firm : A bad report on a major project could result in bad publicity for the firm and frighten potential customers.
Engaging stakeholders in consulting relationships : What experiences have you had in engaging stakeholders in consulting relationships? What worked? What didn't? Share your experiences here.
Public administrators act and behave : Describe some of the forms of power individuals and society have over the way public administrators act and behave. Give examples.
Stakeholders perspectives in the decision-making process : Was consideration given to all stakeholders' perspectives in the decision-making process for resolving the issue? How?
Future literature review : Summarize the key aspects that you must consider while reading research articles and deciding whether or not to use them for your future Literature Review.


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