Major minerals are involved in bone maintenance

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Reference no: EM132436518

1. Which three major minerals are involved in bone maintenance?


2. Which is the most abundant mineral in human body?


3. Since peak bone mass is achieved around age 30, which nutrients should be consumed regularly prior to that time to maximize bone mass?


4. List controllable risk factor for osteoporosis


5. List electrolytes involve in fluid regulations


6. What is Hyponatremia?


7. Sodium in U.S. diets primarily comes from?


8. What is osteopenia? And its causes (Read Book)


9. What are THREE MAIN roles of Potassium in our body?


10. Name the deficiency diseases of Iodine


11. How non-heme Iron absorption can be improved?


12. What is PICA and what are its symptoms?


13. Why many pregnant women get anemic in last trimester?


14. What are the MAIN FUNCTIONS of Zinc deficiency? (Read Book)


15. What is most important role of selenium?


16. Which mineral can prevent dental cavities but can stain teeth?


17. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) slows the metabolic rate. This translates to which symptoms? (Book)


18. Cretinism is a consequence of a pregnant woman with an iodine deficiency, what are its symptoms? (Book)


19. Sources of iodine?


20. Nonheme iron is found in which foods?


21. Major role of Selenium?


22. Main function of Chromium?


23. A deficiency in which trace mineral (other than iron) may result in anemia?


24. What is Satiation?


25. Obesity is associated with increased hormone production, resulting in low-grade inflammation. This inflammation increases risk for which diseases?


26. Which hormone gives message of hunger?


27. What is leptin?


28. Which are the components that make up one's total energy expenditure, which is controlled by the person?


29. What is non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)?


30. Calculate your BMI and write your category


31. Body mass index (BMI) might not be an accurate indication of body fat and health risks for?


32. What is Brown Fat? (Read Book)


33. List energy systems in the correct order of fastest to slowest rate of ATP production?


34. Where in the cell do anaerobic energy systems produce ATP?


36. Where in the cell do aerobic energy systems produce ATP?


38. Which are components of the female athlete triad?


39. What is the major fuel used during low-intensity activity?


40. The feeling of fatigue known as "hitting the wall" is caused by:


41. Calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR)


42. Calculate range of your Target Heart beat (THR)


43. What fuel source will your body use if you exercise at 85% of you maximum aerobic capacity?


44. The RDA for calcium & iron for adolescence and age of 19.


46. A child is considered at risk for undernutrition if their body weight or height falls at or under the:


48. Why is it critical for women to ensure they are receiving adequate amounts of folate or folic acid prior to pregnancy?


50. Health risks associated with a small-for-gestational-age infant (SGA)


Reference no: EM132436518

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