Maintaining appropriate security levels

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133255454

Information management is a broad topic. While information management is foundational to maintaining appropriate security levels, adhering to legal record retention requirements, and enabling proper data analysis it is underutilized. Information management, beginning with data labeling is very difficult to undertake and to maintain. Automated tools and options built into data creation tools (document processors, email clients, etc.) are improving, an end user is typically at the decision point and requires education as well as motivation to correctly and consistently mark data. For this discussion, consider how information management fits into overall information security architecture design. Large organizations will have a position dedicated to information management, others have this role taken on by their CISO. In any case, a security architect will also have to consider information management, where data rests and is processed and how information management is maintained for sensitivity (levels of data), record retention requirements, legal hold situations, and big data processing capabilities.

Detail the considerations for information management and how to reconcile data labeling. Consider strategies as an architect to label information for each consideration as well as how to architect systems within a network including backup and virtualization while maintaining management of information. How will those labels be used to protect and identify location information for data? List a format to include as metadata for files, then enumerate how each label is used in your architecture and systems for managing data. This may be simplified using 2-3 applications as examples for the purpose of this exercise (email, file management, and a human resources information management system). Charts, bullets and other forms are welcome in this writeup for discussion.

Reference no: EM133255454

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