Mainstream activity in many cultures

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Reference no: EM133407798

1. Something "out of the norm" that I do is practice meditation regularly.

2. This deviates from social norms because meditation is not typically seen as a mainstream activity in many cultures, and some may view it as a religious or spiritual practice, rather than a secular or health-oriented one.

3. The specific group of people who might think it is deviant varies depending on the context. Some of my friends and family members might view it as a positive and healthy habit, while some colleagues or classmates may not understand the benefits or view it as a waste of time. The broader culture may also have different opinions, with some individuals valuing mindfulness and others being skeptical or dismissive of it.

4. The types of sanctions I experience from this deviance are largely informal, such as comments or questions about why I meditate, or occasional teasing or ridicule.

5. Labeling theory may apply here, as those who view meditation as deviant may label me as "new age," "spiritual," or "alternative." This labeling can affect my self-identity and how others view and treat me.

6. Differential association may not apply here, as meditation is not typically associated with criminal behavior or delinquent subcultures.

7. No, practicing meditation does not make me "bad." Deviating from social norms does not imply a moral judgment.

8. For this to not be considered deviant by those who currently view it as such, there would need to be a shift in cultural attitudes towards mindfulness practices and greater education on the physical and mental health benefits of meditation. Alternatively, I could choose to not disclose my meditation practice to those who view it as deviant, and keep it as a private aspect of my personal life.

Reference no: EM133407798

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