Reference no: EM133009264
Think of a work-related situation that you found enjoyable. Think of the job and identify the features that made it more enjoyable than other jobs you have held. The job need not have been a formal, full-time job. It may simply have been a part-time, temporary, or volunteer job you have performed. Your report should address the following questions:
1. What were the main duties and responsibilities of the job?
2. What were the skills, abilities, (competencies), education, and experience factors required to perform the job at a satisfactory level?
3. Give a few examples of how these skills, abilities, education, and experience factors were related to the performance of the job.
4. What were the characteristics of the job that made it so enjoyable?
5. What elements of the design of the job would you change and why?
The report should be written in essay format but you may use subheadings to address the various questions
Note: When answering use the knowledge gained from BUSI 3201 Human resource management