Luxury motivation and my major is international marketing

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131191007 , Length: 11500 Words

Comparative Analysis: Motivation and Purchase Intention of Luxury Goods between the Customers of China and UK

Topic is talk about the luxury motivation and my major is international marketing. It need include some areas are related with internationalization, there are some advice from my supervisor who think the dissertation need focus on one area. It can compare the purchasing intention between china and UK. All the details you can find in Capture.rar. 

Chapter 1 Introduction - around 1000 words

  • Write clearly your aim, research questions / objectives.
  • Divide the chapter into - Introduction, Background, Importance of the study, Aims & two to three Research Question (not the questions you are going to ask in the interview) OR Objectives that will help you achieve your aim, and finally a brief introduction to the following chapters

Chapter 2 Literature Review - 3000 words

  • Show critical discussion of the literature related to your topic, not just description of what you have read.
  • Use academic articles for your research and review what are relevant and also the latest research related to your topic.
  • This chapter needs short introduction and summary

The above guideline is for your dissertation (also refer to page 10 in your dissertation handbook - attached), but it can also help you to write your dissertation proposal.

Chapter 3 Methodology 2000words

  • Clearly divide the chapter into - Introduction, Type of Data Used (Qualitative/Quantitative), Data Collection Method, Sampling Procedure (whom you have recruited, how you have recruited, when did you recruit and how many you have recruited), Data Analysis Method, Ethical Considerations, and Summary.
  • Attach the interview transcripts at the end of the dissertation in appendix

Chapter 3 Methodology Chapter - Ass a section after your 3.1. Introduction, subtitled '3.2. Research philosophy)', and explain and justify your ontological and epistemological position clearly.  It will help you to get good marks!  My last email on books has a recommendation which can help you write this section.

Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion Chapter - 3000words

  • Explain results (for example, with quotes for qualitative research and appropriate data from quantitative and mixed research)

 •    You need to critically discuss your results in context to the relevant literature/contributions from academic articles (on topics from your literature review).  This also means that you may have to go back to your literature review chapter to adjust the theoretical framework in line with the analysis and discussions.  If you do this, then it will also show the link between your literature review and your results. 

Chapter 5------ need to be discussed

For qualitative data analysis - Saldaria. J. (2015). The coding manual for qualitative researchers. Sage.

For quantitative research data analysis - Moore, D. S., McCabe, G. P., & Craig, B. A. (2015). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. W.H. Freeman

For research philosophy - Easterby-Smith. M.. Thorpe. R.. & Jackson. P. R. (2012). Management research. Sage. In this book. the chapter

titled 'The Philosophy of Management Research" is particularly very useful and easy to understand and to choose your ontological and epistemological positions. and corresponding methods and methodologies. Your marks will improve if you write about your ontological and epistemological positions to improve the quality of your research methods chapter and to choose corresponding type of data. data collection method and data analysis method you have chosen.

For sampling method, ethics, and data collection methods - You can pick any good book from the library on research methods and there will be plenty of information. Easterby-Smith. M.. Thorpe. R.. & Jackson. P. R. (2012). Management research. Sage. can help you with this too.

The above list is not prescriptive but suggestions based on my experiences. I think these books help to improve the quality of research work and explains concepts and methods in relatively simple language. You may also wish to refer to the list of books given by the university in your learning materials for doing the dissertation.

Verified Expert

This research paper investigates the purchasing behaviour, intention, and desires of customers towards consumption of fashionable luxury items. There are several personality traits that drive and influences customers in possessing certain branded items from brands like Prada, Versace, Gucci, Christian Dior and Chanel. In this paper, considerable research work is conducted that puts a light in the purchasing intentions of customers towards high-lass branded items. The personality traits that help in predicting customer behaviour are self-contiguity, status, materialism, acceptance, social status, and uniqueness. In this context, the motivating factors of customers are discussed those are analysed vividly. Surveys among the UK and Chinese customers are conducted that helps in analysis of the hypothesis set by the researcher for this research work.

Reference no: EM131191007

Questions Cloud

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Luxury motivation and my major is international marketing : Topic is talk about the luxury motivation and my major is international marketing. It need include some areas are related with internationalization, there are some advice from my supervisor who think the dissertation need focus on one area. It can co..
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