Lung cancer prevention presentation

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Reference no: EM133022478

PUBH6007 Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation

Part A: Presentation: Project Plan: Objectives, Strategies and Logic Model

Topic - Lung cancer prevention

Learning Outcomes a) Interpret the importance of performing needs analysis in public health program development. Apply different methodologies of needs assessment to establish and prioritise community needs.

b) Develop a Program Logic Model and critically analyse the link between the components of Program Logic Model and Program Theory in Public Health program design
c) Develop an evidence-based Program and Evaluation Plan for the implementation and evaluation of a Public Health Program.
d) Critically examine and apply the principles and strategies of community and stakeholder engagement.
e) Critically examine and apply the principles of evaluation, comparing the types and stages of evaluation utilised in Public Health Program development.

Assessment Task

The culmination of individual needs assessments will mean that your group now has a comprehensive and complex understanding of your target population. It's now time to start planning! In Assessment 2 your group will be required to present a blueprint of your program plan to your fellow students. In this presentation (10 min) your group needs to outline your programs objectives and strategies, and present your logic model. You will also be expected to answer questions (3 min) from your peers and your learning facilitator.

The ability to communicate and present ideas clearly is essential for your success as a public health professional. Public health professionals rarely work in isolation, and as such collaboration skills are essential to your career in Public health. In this assessment you will have the opportunity to learn skills required to present and interact efficiently with stakeholders, as well as amongst your group members. The successful completion of this assessment requires strong collaboration and engagement from all group members.

Task Instructions:

In this task you are required to create and present a 10 minute group presentation that provides a blueprint of your program plan. This presentation needs to include the following.

1. Include an overview of your group's presentation:

• A brief introduction of your group and topic.
• A brief overview of your public health issue based on need assessment.

2. Program and Evaluation Plan blueprint:

• Program Logic model
o Based on prioritised need for a chosen population.
• Overarching Goal
o The overall aim that you want to achieve via your program following SMART criteria.
• Objectives
o There should be at least 3 objectives following SMART criteria.
• Strategies
o How you will go about achieving your goal and objectives;
o The activities that will contribute to the achievement of the objectives.
o A clear relationship between activities and outcomes Which activities are being implemented through engagement of stakeholders to produce progress on which outcomes?

3. Risks and Challenges

• Identify any potential challenges to the program
• What may occur that can put the program at risk, what are the challenges, and how will you address them?
o For example, people may not enrol?
4. Brief Conclusion and summary

5. Slide with references

6. Questions
• Each group will spend 3 minutes answering questions from the Learning Facilitator and from fellow students. Groups will be marked on both the quality of the answers they provide and the quality of the questions they ask other groups.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Note: Need Only part 3.

Attachment:- Program Design.rar

Reference no: EM133022478

Questions Cloud

What are some benefits of using linkedin : What are some benefits of using LinkedIn and how you plan to utilize it.
Identify the objectives of the grant : How HIPPY Advisory committee is related to the grant and what role-if any will play and Identify the objectives of the grant.
Draw the flow chart of your program : Draw the flow chart of your program and Write a program to prompt for and read a sequence of non-negative numbers
Dissertation development template : The dissertation problem statement emerges from the topic to address what need the research will fulfill. The problem statement must be supported by literature
Lung cancer prevention presentation : Lung cancer prevention Presentation - brief overview of your public health issue based on need assessment.
Work breakdown structure of information and technology : Give me information about Work breakdown structure of information and technology (IT) department
Ensure that members of the client team : How would you ensure that members of the client's team are part of the diagnostic process? What tasks would you assign them and why?
Distinguish between non-accredited and accredit investors : Why does the law in the U.S. distinguish between non-accredited and accredit investors?
Distinguish between non-accredited and accredit investors : Why does the law in the U.S. distinguish between non-accredited and accredit investors?



11/2/2021 12:45:58 AM

3 is my part ....risks and challenges For 2 part only logic model .....logic model is also divided into four parts They have not yet told me about my part For now only risks and challenges Goals , objectives and strategies other girls are doing First you can do risks and challenges Then in 1or 2 days I will tell you about logic model My topic is lung cancer prevention I also attached what Group did as Their part You can continue with these slides Lung cancer prevention in aboriginal and Torres Strait islander


11/2/2021 12:45:42 AM

I have one assignment Which is a group presentation Our topic - lung cancer prevention Only part 3 is mine attached Rest the logic model Which we will do later I have not yet got my part which I am supposed to do in logic model So you have very less things to do ....only 2 slides Moreover I want to explain this in the class as this is a group presentation....can I get all the resources which you are going to use so you are going to do risks and challenges in lung cancer prevention ....then later when I will get my part in logic model plsss do that

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