Reference no: EM133420662
1. Which of the following best describes " productivity "?
a. The consistency of a product's quality from unit to unit.
b. The principle that quality belongs to each person who creates it while performing a job.
c. The measure of economic performance that compares how much a system produces with the resources used to produce it.
d. The sum of all activates involved in getting high-quality products into the market place.
e.The dollar value of goods and services produced by each Canadian worker.
2. Over the period of a day, an artist converts 8 pounds of steel bought at $10 per pound, plus 4 pounds of plastic bought at $5 per pound into 4 table lamps. She sells the 4 lamps for $50 per lamp. What is the economic productivity for that artist over the day?
a. 200:4 or 50:1
b. 50:15 or 3.33:1
c. 90
d. 200
e. 200:100 or 2:1
3. Economic output per hour worked differs from nation to nation. Labour productivity is likely to be influenced by all of the following except:
a.Government economic policies
b. Levels of education
c.Culture and traditions regarding educational attainment and work habits.
d. Land area
e. Availability of natural resources
4. As discussed in class, among the reasons for Luxembourg's high labour productivity is:
a. Small land area
b. Small population
c. Well-educated workforce, some of whom live elsewhere.
d. Luxembourg exports oil
5. A manager would like to make quality improvements. Where should she begin?
a. knowledge of current product costs
b. competitive product analysis
c. statistical process control
d. survey customers to clarify their needs and expectations
6. Low Quality hurts Canadian business productivity because:
a. Products that don't work as they should need to be repaired or replaced.
b. Products that don't work as they should prevent consumers from purchasing them.
c. Products that don't have elaborate features do not generate high sales volumes.
d. Low quality products face competition from similar products imported from emerging economies.
e. Canada's competitive advantage lies in high value, high technology goods.