Look scheduling policy

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13761781

1. Question

Given that it takes 1.75 ms to travel from one track to the next of a hard drive; that the arm is originally positioned at Track 15 moving toward the low- numbered tracks; and that you are using the LOOK scheduling policy:

Compute the total seek time to satisfy the following requests-4, 40, 35, 11, 14, and 7. Assume all requests are initially present in the wait queue. (Ignore rotational time and transfer time; just consider seek time.)

2. Question

Describe how implementation of a RAID Level 2 system would be beneficial to a university payroll system. In your own words, describe the disadvantages of such a system, if any, in that environment, and if appropriate, suggest an alternative RAID system and explain your reasoning.

3. Question

Imagine one real-life example of each: a multi-file volume and a multi- volume file. Include a description of the media used for storage and a general description of the data in the file.

4. Question

The following is an access verification technique, listing several files and the access allowed for a single user. Identify the control technique used here, and for each, explain the type of access allowed.
a. File_1 R-E-
b. File_12 RWE-
c. File_13 RW--
d. File_14 --E-

5. Question

Devise a way to compress the following list of last names using a lossless technique similar to that shown in Table 8.6 for repeated terms. Describe your method and show the compressed list. Explain the characteristics that make your technique lossless (and not lossy).
McConnor, Nelson
McDavid, Nelson
McDavid, Patricia
McDonald, Mary
McDonald, Marie
McDonnell, Mike

Reference no: EM13761781

Questions Cloud

Crime and ethics based problems : Some violations, although technically a crime, may be referred to as an administrative violation, which involves fines.
Define the protocol and what it is primarily used for : Select a protocol of your choice. Research the standards and definitions of your selected protocol. Define the protocol and what it is primarily used for.
Explain control structures in php programs : Define and design functions and control structures in PHP programs. Define variables, constants, and data types in a PHP environment.
Studying the molecules where most of the cells : If you were studying the molecules where most of the cells get their energy from, you would be studying which of the following?
Look scheduling policy : Given that it takes 1.75 ms to travel from one track to the next of a hard drive; that the arm is originally positioned at Track 15 moving toward the low- numbered tracks; and that you are using the LOOK scheduling policy
Contemporary project management : This is for the book Contemporary Project Management 3rd edition by Timothy J. Kloppenborg. List several characteristics of a project that can often result in creating conflict.
Explain any two issues that people focused on : Using two credible sources, research how Earth Day was celebrated last year. Explain any two issues that people focused on. For each issue, identify the major geographical, political, economic, and cultural factors involved.
Importance of traveler attitudes : Write annotated bibliography of given article: Importance of traveler attitudes in the choice of public transportation to work: findings from the Regional Transportation Authority Attitudinal Survey
Describe the components of a healing hospital : Consider how the paradigm of a healing hospital might influence your philosophy of care giving and write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following:Describe the components of a healing hospital and their relationship to spirituality.


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