Look for a situation where you identified an efficiency gain

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Reference no: EM133506339

Monitor work operations

Assessment Task 1: Student Logbook and Assessor Observations

Activities: Option 1 - Training kitchen based

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you demonstrate your skills and knowledge by overseeing and monitoring the quality of day-to-day work. It is important that you provide evidence that you have done this.

We have provided you with a Student Logbook to help you.

It is likely that this unit will be assessed side-by-side with other units from your course and it has been designed to be co-assessed with SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations. Your assessor will advise you if you will be co-assessed with other units.

Assessment will take place in the training kitchen attached to your RTO.

To complete your requirements for SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations, your assessor will allocate your group into small teams and assign a team leader for each time that you cook (for twelve of these shifts, you will be the team leader). You will use your supervisor shifts to complete the assessment for this unit as well.

Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are assigned as the team leader for a service period. We have provided a number of documents to assist you and you will find these in your Student Logbook.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During your team leader shifts, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

• monitoring and improving workplace operations by:
o monitoring the efficiency of your team
o monitoring your team's service levels
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation's goals
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation's quality assurance standards
o identifying quality problems and issues and making appropriate adjustments to procedures
o proactively consulting with colleagues about ways to improve efficiency and service levels
o exploring potential for new technologies and other innovations in improving efficiency and service levels
o providing feedback to colleagues and management
o identifying and evaluating current and emerging industry trends and practices and applying them to your own work situation
o improving sustainability of day-to-day operations
• planning and organising workflow by:
o assessing current workloads
o scheduling work to maximise efficiency and customer service
o operating within budgetary constraints
o delegating work according to delegation principles
o assessing workflow and progress against agreed objectives
o providing colleagues with feedback and coaching to prioritise workload
o providing feedback to management regarding staffing needs
• monitoring and supporting team members by:
o monitoring team and individual performances
o sharing information, knowledge and experiences with team members
o challenging and testing ideas within the team
o providing feedback, coaching and support
o completing and submitting records
• solving problems and making decisions by:
o identifying and analysing workplace problems (operational and customer service)
o initiating short-term resolutions
o analysing problems for long-term impacts and potential solutions
o encouraging team member participation in problem resolution
o follow-up on effectiveness of solutions.
How will I provide evidence?
As you work through the 12 service periods as a team leader required in SITHKOP005, you will be required to identify and report on a series of situations, case studies and examples to cover off the requirements for this unit. These are detailed below.
In your Student Logbook, you will find some detailed information about providing evidence, a set of reflective report templates and a logbook summary. As you identify a suitable case study or example to report on, you will need to:
• complete the relevant report template and reflective journal (a reflective journal provides an opportunity for you to think about the example - what went well, what would you do differently next time); it also helps you provide evidence for your assessment
• ask your supervisor/trainer to sign the supervisor declaration section at the end of the reflective report template.
Your assessor will also observe some of your assessment activities and complete an observation checklist.
Tips for completing your Student Logbook
• Read through this assessment, together with your assessment for SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations and your Student Logbook before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.
• Stay up to date! Complete your logbook entries regularly and, at the end of each service period, ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete evidence forms part of your assessment.
• Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate.
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

2. Reflective report requirements
You are required to complete a reflective report template for each of the following eight situations. Use the Assessment Summary in your Student Logbook to help you keep track.

a. Monitoring and improving workplace operations
Look for a situation where you identified an efficiency gain or service level improvement. The example you report on should support the organisation to achieve its goals or quality assurance initiatives. You will report on how you made adjustments to a procedure or system, how you consulted with colleagues and how the adjustments that you made improved efficiency and supported the organisation's goals and quality assurance initiatives. Was there potential for a new technology or innovation? How did you consider input from colleagues and provide feedback?
b. Innovation
Look for a situation where you evaluated a current or emerging industry trend or practice and applied it to your own practice. You will report on how the innovation benefitted you, your organisation and/or your team.
c. Sustainability
Look for a situation where you responded to an opportunity to improve the sustainability of an operation.
You will report on what the operation was, how you improved it and what the sustainability benefits were.
d. Planning and organising workflow
The student logbook, planning documentation and supervisor observations that you complete for SITHKOP005 fulfil many of the requirements for this section. Select one service period and explain the process that you used to schedule and delegate work. You will also report on how you assisted your team to prioritise their workload.
e. Monitoring and supporting team members
Look for a situation where you monitored team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives (hint: the workflow planning that you completed for each service period in SITHKOP005).
You will report on the strategies that you used to monitor performance, the information that you shared, the collaboration that you undertook and feedback that you provided.
f. Problem solving
Look for a situation where you have had to identify and analyse a workplace problem from an operational and a customer service perspective. Perhaps meals have been held up, did not meet special requirements or did not meet quality standards.
You will report on the short-term actions that you put in place to resolve the immediate issue. You will also report on the longer-term strategies that you initiated to ensure that the problem did not recur. How did you work with your colleagues? How did you monitor the success of the solution?
g. Contingency planning
Select one of the 12 service periods that you will be the team leader for and, in addition to the workflow planning requirements that you will complete for SITHKOP005, complete a contingency plan that takes into account the following six contingencies:
• delays or time difficulties in producing meals
• difficult customer service situations
• equipment breakdowns or technical failure
• the absence of a team member or team members
• team member performance issues
failure of procedure or process.
h. Organisational records
Select one the 12 service periods that you will be the team leader for and, in addition to the workflow planning requirements that you will complete for SITHKOP005, complete a performance report and a staff record.

3. Submit documents to your assessor.
Finalise your Student Logbook. Ensure that all documents are clear and complete. It should include the following completed documents:
• Improving workplace operations template
• Innovation template
• Sustainability template
• Planning and organising template
• Monitoring and supporting team template
• Problem solving template
• Contingency planning template
• Organisational records template.
Send or submit the completed Student Logbook to your assessor.
*Note that successful completion of this unit relies on successful completion of SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations as well.

Activities: Option 2 - Workplace based

Complete the following activities.
1. Carefully read the following information.
Successful completion of this unit requires that you demonstrate your skills and knowledge by overseeing and monitoring the quality of day-to-day work. It is important that you provide evidence that you have done this.
We have provided you with a Student Logbook to help you.

It is likely that this unit will be assessed side-by-side with other units from your course and it has been designed to be co-assed with SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations. Your assessor will advise you if you will be co-assessed with other units.
If you have selected Option 2, your assessment will take place in your workplace.
Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge which you must demonstrate when you are overseeing a team. The majority of these can be demonstrated at the same time that you are completing your assessment for SITHKOP005. We have provided a number of documents to assist you to do this and you will find these in your Student Logbook.
What do I need to demonstrate?
During your team leader shifts, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:
• monitoring and improving workplace operations by:
o monitoring the efficiency of your team
o monitoring your team's service levels
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation's goals
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation's quality assurance standards
o identifying quality problems and issues and making appropriate adjustments to procedures
o proactively consulting with colleagues about ways to improve efficiency and service levels
o exploring potential for new technologies and other innovations in improving efficiency and service levels
o providing feedback to colleagues and management
o identifying and evaluating current and emerging industry trends and practices and applying them to your own work situation
o improving sustainability of day-to-day operations
• planning and organising workflow by:
o assessing current workloads
o scheduling work to maximise efficiency and customer service
o operating within budgetary constraints
o delegating work according to delegation principles
o assessing workflow and progress against agreed objectives
o providing colleagues with feedback and coaching to prioritise workload
o providing feedback to management regarding staffing needs
• monitoring and supporting team members by:
o monitoring team and individual performances
o sharing information, knowledge and experiences with team members
o challenging and testing ideas within the team
o providing feedback, coaching and support
o completing and submitting records
• solving problems and making decisions by:
o identifying and analysing workplace problems (operational and customer service)
o initiating short-term resolutions
o analysing problems for long-term impacts and potential solutions
o encouraging team member participation in problem resolution
o follow-up on effectiveness of solutions.
How will I provide evidence?
As you work through the 12 service periods as a team leader required in SITHKOP005, you will be required to identify and report on a series of situations, case studies and examples to cover off the requirements for this unit. These are detailed below.
In your Student Logbook, you will find some detailed information about providing evidence, a set of reflective report templates and a logbook summary. As you identify a suitable case study or example to report on, you will need to:
• complete the relevant report template and reflective journal (a reflective journal provides an opportunity for you to think about the example - what went well, what would you do differently next time); it also helps you provide evidence for your assessment
• ask your supervisor/trainer to sign the supervisor declaration section at the end of the reflective report template.
Your assessor will also observe some of your assessment activities and complete an observation checklist.
Tips for completing your Student Logbook
• Read through this assessment, together with your assessment for SITHKOP005 Coordinate cooking operations and your Student Logbook before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.
• Stay up to date! Complete your logbook entries regularly and, at the end of each service period, ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete evidence forms part of your assessment.
• Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate.
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

2. Reflective report requirements
You are required to complete a reflective report template for each of the following seven situations. Use the Assessment Summary in your Student Logbook to help you keep track.
Situation Reflective Report Template
a. Monitoring and improving workplace operations
Look for a situation where you identified an efficiency gain or service level improvement. The example you report on should support the organisation to achieve its goals or quality assurance initiatives. You will report on how you made adjustments to a procedure or system, how you consulted with colleagues and how the adjustments that you made improved efficiency and supported the organisation's goals and quality assurance initiatives. Was there potential for a new technology or innovation? How did you consider input from colleagues and provide feedback? Improving workplace operations template

b. Innovation
Look for a situation where you evaluated a current or emerging industry trend or practice and applied it to your own practice. You will report on how the innovation benefitted you, your organisation and/or your team. Innovation template

c. Sustainability
Look for a situation where you responded to an opportunity to improve the sustainability of an operation.
You will report on what the operation was, how you improved it and what the sustainability benefits were. Sustainability template

d. Planning and organising workflow
The student logbook, planning documentation and supervisor observations that you complete for SITHKOP005 fulfil many of the requirements for this section. Select one service period and explain the process that you used to schedule and delegate work. You will also report on how you assisted your team to prioritise their workload. Planning and organising workflow template

e. Monitoring and supporting team members
Look for a situation where you monitored team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives (hint: the workflow planning that completed for each service period in SITHKOP005).
You will report on the strategies that you used to monitor performance, the information that you shared, the collaboration that you undertook and feedback that you provided. Monitoring and supporting team template

f. Problem solving
Look for a situation where you have had to identify and analyse a workplace problem from an operational and a customer service perspective. Perhaps meals have been held up, did not meet special requirements or did not meet quality standards.
You will report on the short-term actions that you put in place to resolve the immediate issue. You will also report on the longer-term strategies that you initiated to ensure that the problem did not recur. How did you work with your colleagues? How did you monitor the success of the solution? Problem solving template

g. Contingency planning
Select one of the 12 service periods that you will be the team leader for and, in addition to the workflow planning requirements that you will complete for SITHKOP005, complete a contingency plan that takes into account the following six contingencies:
• delays or time difficulties in producing meals
• difficult customer service situations
• equipment breakdowns or technical failure
• the absence of a team member or team members
• team member performance issues failure of procedure or process. Contingency template.

Reference no: EM133506339

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Look for a situation where you identified an efficiency gain : SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations, Clayton College - demonstrate your skills and knowledge by overseeing and monitoring the quality of day-to-day work
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