Long-term stock market performance of ebay

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13230518

Recent news reports suggest that activist investor, Carl Icahn, may have dropped his hostile takeover bid for EBay's PayPal. Yet some believe that the battle over PayPal may be far from over. Research this hostile takeover attempt and write a 1-2 page original essay/position paper on how Icahn's proposal would affect the long-term stock market performance of EBay? [HINT: Your essay should clearly state your position on the matter (i.e. would the takeover of PayPal be beneficial or harmful to shareholders in the long-run?), demonstrate qualitative and quantitative reasoning, highlight relevant corporate governance issues, and consider alternate points of view].

Reference no: EM13230518

Questions Cloud

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Long-term stock market performance of ebay : Research this hostile takeover attempt and write a 1-2 page original essay/position paper on how Icahn's proposal would affect the long-term stock market performance of EBay
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