Long-tail keyword phrases

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13757051

1 If I have a website that sells running shoes, I should map the keyword phrase "Asics Gel Kayano 20" to

the homepage

a category page

a sub-category page

a product page

2 As compared to fat head keyword phrases, long-tail keyword phrases typically

receive lower volume of searches

are longer (have more words)

are more plentiful (there are more of them)

all of the above

3 A brand new website should NOT choose target keyword phrases based on




current ranking

4 Nowadays, search engines determine our website's quality based on

external links to our site

search engine users' behavior toward our webpages from the SERP (search engine results page)

spelling and grammar on our site

all of the above

5 Black hat SEO is any practice that is

no longer used by web developers

search engines frown upon


improves search engine rankings

6 SEO stands for

Site Experience Optimization

Search Engine Obligation

Site Enhancement Obligation

Search Engine Optimization

7 The title tag of a web page appears

at the top of the browser

on the SERP (search engine results page)

both a and b

none of the above

8 Which header tag is the largest?

Header 1 (‹h1›)

Header 2 (‹h2›)

Header 5 (‹h5›)

Header 7 (‹h7›)

9 My chosen keyword phrase for a page should make up __ to __ % of the page's content.

1, 1.5

3, 5

5, 10

10, 20

10 Alt text is

the text of a link

the text that appears if an image does not download from the server

both a and b

none of the above

11 We can influence our click-through rate on the SERP through

the title tag

the meta description

both a and b

none of the above

12 Ideally, we should never add content to our site.



13 A reliable way to increase our rankings is to create multiple copies of our site at different URLs.



14 Why does having too much advertising space damage our search rankings?

It diminishes the value of external links to our site.

Search engines consider a site with lots of advertising space to be lower quality.

both a and b

none of the above

15 If I think my website is being punished for engaging in black hat SEO tactics, I should

use less detectable black hat SEO tactics

choose new keywords to target

improve the site's XML sitemap

immediately fix any pages using these tactics

Reference no: EM13757051

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