Logisticslogistics is the management of the flow of goods

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13368086 , Length: 10 Pages


Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and packaging. Logistics topics for your operations dissertation could include:

Transport and logistics: a look inside.

Logistics management - Evaluation of the logistics operations carried out within manufacturing organizations

Impact of information technology on logistic industry.

Principles of logistic management: an evaluation in a practical environment.

Value chain strategy of the logistic industry.

It is recommended that your project report have the following structure in the order provided here.

1. Title page 

The students’ details should be filled in the cover letter provided.

2. Abstract / Executive Summary

The Abstract consists of the project title and about half a page concise summary containing the scope and results of your study. 

3. Table of Contents

Table of contents should contain titles and page numbers for the main sections and subsections of your report. The table of contents should also include entries for any appendices in your report.

4. Report Body

This is the central and main part of the project which contains the actual work done during the project.  The main requirement is that you need to structure the report so that it is clear and structured in a way that makes sense. Grammar and spellings count. 

5. Conclusions 

The project's conclusions should list the things which have been learnt as a result of the work you have done. 

6. References

You are responsible for appropriately citing material and methods that you use. Give references for the data collected from a text book, a magazine or a website identifying its sources while using the appropriate form. In the references section, references should be in a numbered list, ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author.

Reference no: EM13368086

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