Logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employ

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Reference no: EM13524428

Multiple Choice Question

1. Within the context of the selection process, the "logic of prediction" means that: 

A. indicators of an applicant's future performance are predictive of likely job performance

B. indicators of a person's degree of success in past situations should be predictive of future job success

C. predictors of job performance are correlated with KSAOs

D. indicators of job outcomes can be used to predict job performance 

2. Which of the following is necessary for the logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employees? 

A. the organization has adopted a thorough competency modeling approach

B. qualifications carry over from one job to another

C. that each candidate is assessed based on his or her unique experiences

D. anonymous periodic reviews of applicant files to ensure accuracy

3. If the correctness of a response is essential for a job, then a(n) ________ test should be used. 

A. essay

B. speed

C. power

D. objective

4. Essay tests are best used to assess ___________ skills. 

A. oral communication

B. written communication

C. interpersonal

D. none of the above

5. The most accurate description of the basic purpose of a selection plan is ______________. 

A. a selection plan determines the means for attracting qualified job applicants

B. a selection plan matches applicants to outcome criteria

C. a selection plan describes predictors to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job

D. a selection plan consists of interview rating criteria 

6. The strength of the relationship between a predictor and performance is called ________. 

A. reliability

B. validity

C. utility

D. instrumentality

7. Most initial assessment methods have _________ validity. 

A. moderate to low

B. high to very high

C. moderately high to high

D. moderate

8. Which of the following statements regarding the development of a selection plan is false? 

A. The list of KSAOs used in the selection plan are derived from the job requirements matrix

B. The process of developing a selection plan is usually straightforward and can be done quickly

C. One reason KSAOs may be deemed unimportant for selection is because they will be learned on the job

D. Possible methods for assessing every identified job-relevant KSAO need to be developed 

9. Which of the following is(are) initial assessment methods? 

A. Résumés and cover letters

B. Application blanks

C. Biographical information

D. All of the above

10. Which of the following are common sources of résumé fraud? 

A. inflated titles

B. inflated education or "purchased" degrees

C. inaccurate dates to cover up job hopping or unemployment

D. all of the above 

11. Which of the following statements regarding résumés is true? 

A. Even background checks cannot reduce the problem of résumé fraud

B. Most surveys suggest that around half of all résumés have substantial inaccuracies or distortions

C. Video résumés are highly respected by most employers

D. Extensive evidence suggests that résumés are highly accurate predictors of employee job performance

12. In using educational level as an initial selection criterion, which of the following statements is false? 

A. The degree received from an institution is not sufficient as a sole indicator of an applicant's level of education.

B. A GED is a high school equivalency degree and is about as good as a conventional high school diploma in predicting job performance.

C. Educational level is a predictor of job performance.

D. High-level degrees from non-accredited schools may be indicators of lesser accomplishment than lower-level degrees from accredited schools.

13. Which of the following statements regarding the use of grade point averages as a predictor is true? 

A. GPA may be influenced by many factors in addition to the applicant's KSAOs and motivation.

B. GPAs in one's major tend to be highly similar to one's GPAs in other classes.

C. Grades do not vary widely by field.

D. GPAs from different schools mean the same thing. 

14. When considering the use of extracurricular activities as a job performance predictor, one should _________. 

A. use extracurricular activities whenever possible

B. de-emphasize the use of extracurricular activities

C. use extracurricular activities mainly for selection of managerial personnel

D. use extracurricular activities when they correlate with KSAOs required by the job 

15. Asking applicants to complete a supplemental application in which they describe their most significant accomplishments relative to a list of job behaviors is known as the _______. 

A. behavioral consistency method

B. experiential summary method

C. biodata approach

D. none of the above 

16. The highest estimate of validity coefficients of unweighted applicant banks as predictors of job performance are _________. 

A. 1.00

B. .80

C. .20

D. .60

E. .40 

17. Research on application blanks has suggested that the most common questions that are misinterpreted include _________. 

A. previous employers

B. reasons for leaving previous jobs

C. previous positions held

D. all of the above are true

18. The principal assumption behind the use of biodata is the axiom, ________. 

A. The best predictor of future behavior is motivation level

B. The best predictor of future behavior is KSAOs

C. The best predictor of future behavior is education level

D. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior

19. Which of the following is true regarding biodata and background tests? 

A. Background information is obtained through interviews and conversations with references.

B. They are two different names for the same thing.

C. Only background tests look into an applicant's past.

D. Biodata is used primarily when screening applicants for positions in which integrity and emotional adjustment are necessary. 

20. Biographical information is like application blanks, except _______. 

A. biographical information is based on history, but application blanks are based on current events

B. application blanks are more likely to be used for substantive selection decisions

C. biographical data is more likely to be accepted by applicants

D. biographical data can be more fruitfully used for substantive selection decisions 

Reference no: EM13524428

Questions Cloud

This personality trait is associated with better performance : This personality trait is associated with better performance, higher job satisfaction, and lower adaptability on the job.
Predictors for executive and professional jobs : Cognitive ability tests are excellent predictors for executive and professional jobs, but they are of no value for entry level, clerical, or blue collar jobs.
Substantive assessment methods : The traits measured by Big Five personality tests are measures of factors brought about entirely by life environments, and not by genetics.
Most valid predictor of performance : This personality trait is associated with better performance, higher job satisfaction, and lower adaptability on the job.
Logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employ : Which of the following is necessary for the logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employees?
The laws in most states provide employers : The Americans with Disabilities Act states that employers may not ask disability-related questions and may not conduct medical examinations until after it makes a conditional job offer to a person.
Scored evaluations of unweighted application : The principal assumption behind the use of biodata in selection processes is the axiom, "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
Selection refers to the assessment and evaluation : Although employers can outsource résumé collection to résumé-tracking services, in practice this type of outsourcing is too inefficient to be worth the cost.
The most frequently used methods : The most frequently used methods of initial assessment are education level, training and experience, reference checks, and initial interview.


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