Locate this in the existing knowledge

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132173513

This research paper is based on your last assignment - your research proposal. It asks you to investigate a big issue - an important topic - drawn from the readings we have covered in English 1100. You are expected to locate this issue in the existing knowledge, identify a knowledge deficit, and make a new claim which will be supported by reasoned argument. You must draw on at least one of the articles we have studied in the course, to examine the existing knowledge, identify a knowledge deficit, and make a claim.

Your research proposal will roughly constitute the introduction of your research paper. Your proposal should have sketched the typical rhetorical moves academic writers make as they find a position for themselves:

- Describe the existing knowledge on a topic by way of summary and reporting expressions

- Identify the knowledge deficit, i.e., something missing, inadequate, or hidden in the view expressed in the existing knowledge, something more complicated than that view, or questions that might arise from that view

- Make a claim that will address the gap (knowledge deficit) in the existing knowledge

The body part of your research paper - the main components of your paper - should provide argument and reasoning that justify the claim you have made in the introduction. Your research paper should also have a conclusion that reinforces your claim and that suggests areas for further research.

To support your argument in the research paper, you can draw on both course readings and outside sources (minimum 4 and maximum 10 sources). When you cite outside sources, you should provide some background information on those sources, using the summarizing strategies we have learnt in this course. Scholarly activity is constituted in the style of academic writing: reporting expressions, statements of indeterminacy, topic reinstatement and recurrence of certain abstractions, high to low levels of generality, critical stance, and documentation. Reinterpreting and redefining existing material, academic writers produce new knowledge. This is the purpose of the final paper.

Note: construct a title that reflects the focus of your paper; include 4 to 10 scholarly references; use either the MLA or APA style of documentation (including parenthetical citations - sources and page numbers - in the body of the paper, and a "Works Cited" or "Reference" page at the end of the paper).

Article - Perceived academic effects of instant messaging use by Reynol junco and Shelia R. Cotten

Reference no: EM132173513

Questions Cloud

Foundation of motivation in organizational behaviours : Please according to the theory about Foundation of Motivation in Organizational Behaviours.
What are the tax effects : Pay $30,000 at the end of each year, starting one year after purchase, for the next five years. If the inflation rate is assumed to be 5% per year.
Management necessary component of project management : Why is change management a necessary component of project management? Maybe, you used an issue tracking software to monitor progress.
Describe the components of a procurement plan : Describe the components of a procurement plan. How does orderly closure contribute to project success?
Locate this in the existing knowledge : Identify the knowledge deficit, i.e., something missing, inadequate, or hidden in the view expressed in the existing knowledge, something more complicated
Should investor invest in thr given project : An investor is offered a project that needs an initial investment of $240,000. The investment produces a net profit of $20,000 in the first year increasing.
Issues of burgeoning federal debt and deficits : Is such an amendment an appropriate solution to the issues of burgeoning federal debt and deficits? Please explain.
Unemployment and inflation rate : How do you think this will affect unemployment and inflation rate?
Show the header information embedded in the message : Show the header information embedded in the message metadata. Search the Internet if you need help capturing the header information.



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Note: construct a title that reflects the focus of your paper; include 4 to 10 scholarly references; use either the MLA or APA style of documentation (including parenthetical citations - sources and page numbers - in the body of the paper, and a "Works Cited" or "Reference" page at the end of the paper).

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