Loans market

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM136582

Q. Suppose a bank is faced with two types of borrowers - a high risk borrower that should be charged an interest rate of 9% and a low risk borrower that should be charged an interest rate of 4%. There is a 30% chance of getting a high risk borrower and a 70% chance of getting a low risk one. What is the expected interest rate that will be charged by a bank that cannot exactly distinguish between the two types but knows the probabilities of each type? What would be the result in this market for loans?

Reference no: EM136582

Questions Cloud

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What groove divides cerebrum into two hemispheres : Action potentials are usually generated at axon hillock and propagated down axon away from the cell body. If you experimentally depolarized an axon to the threshold level at a point halfway down the axon, what would happen.
Competitive equilibrium in the market : What is the deadweight loss if buyers, instead of vendors, are required to pay the tax of $4 for each unit of the good sold.
Illustrate texture and arrangement of the lungs of the cat : Illustrate the texture and arrangement of the lungs of the cat. If you were asked to create a karyotype from the chromosome spreads you made from HeLa cells, list materials you could use and describe how you would create the karyotype.
Loans market : Distinguish between the two types but knows the probabilities of each type. What would be the result in this market for loans.
How many of nucleotides are thymine : The oldest rocks on Earth date from about 4.2 billion years ago. What does this propose about the interval between 4.6 billion years ago, while the Earth started to form, and 4.2 billion years ago.
Value management different from financial accounting : Why is monitoring and controlling the project cost important for the success of the project.
Mixed nash equilibrium of the game : In 2003, when music downloading first took off, Universal Music slashed the prices of CDs from an average of $21 to an average of $15.
Which abdominal arteries are paired : A certain instant camera determines the distance to subject by sending out a sound wave and measuring the time required for the wave echo to return to the camera. How long could it take the sound wave to return to the camera if the subject were 2.68 ..


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