Loan bank to profit-making corporations

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Reference no: EM132248985

Persuasive Argument Research Paper

Topic: Student Loans: A generation ago, the federal government opened its student loan bank to profit-making corporations. Since then, law by law, student debt has become the worst kind of debt for American students (best for banks and loan collectors). Student loans are not even allowed to be dismissed in bankruptcy. Consider some possible solutions: Permitting loan forgiveness, allowing bankruptcy, eliminating private collection agencies from this process.

TOPIC AND THESIS (this is my opinion)

American student loans should be forgiven because many times the large loans stop our students from continuing with their overcomings, due to the fear that he or she may face when they are going to be forced to pay the debts without having the certainty that they will be able to join quickly the working life.The more educated our students are a better society we will have. Students are the future of a country.

This topic interests me because I suffered it on my own flesh and I also see the same thing happens to a lot of my schoolmates. There are a lot of cases that after finishing the school with excellent grades and big student loans people can't find a job related with their career. It is not fair for anyone after sacrificing so much for so long. It is necessary to do something on this matter.

Assemble a correct APA-style Cover page followed by the abstract based on your shosen topic and thesis.


What is an abstract?

Your initial abstract will a brief, single-paragraph summary of what your Persuasive Argument research paper will be about, including the position you are taking on your topic. The thesis statement will be included in your abstract.

What's included?

As much as possible at this point in your writing, include your paper's purpose, main points, method, findings, and conclusions. If you have not yet reached a conclusion, nor researched thoroughly, include what you expect will be your conclusion. After your paper is completed, you can always go back and change it or add to it as long as it stays within the word limit.

How long should it be?

The abstract's length should be a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words; it should be confined to a single paragraph. Unlike in other paragraphs in the paper, the first line of the abstract should not be indented.

What are Keywords?

At the end of the abstract, a list of the important words related to the paper is listed. Leave one line of space after the abstract and begin the next line with the word "Keywords" in italics, followed by a colon, and indented a half inch.

Assemble a list of your 5 research sources into an APA-style References page in Microsoft Word

For the milestone research paper due for this module, you will need a minimum of five (5) references (articles, books, government documents, etc.) from five different sources/containers (journals, organizations, anthologies etc). As you collect the articles and other references you plan to use, remember to keep the information you will need necessary to prepare a correct References page

Basic Requirements:

• Length: 900-1,500 words. A minimum of 900 words is required in order for your essay to be substantial. What is important is that you get your point across.

• Organization: Introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.

• Language: Use formal language and avoid the use of first and second person -- avoid

• references to yourself (NO "I believe, in my opinion" etc.), no personal anecdotes, and do not address the reader (avoid "you" altogether).

• Documentation: five correctly documented quotes or paraphrases from five adequate sources.

• Style: APA style is usually used for the type of research you will be doing. Continue in that style unless otherwise stated by your professor.

• Cross-referencing: You must use in-text citations (also known as in-text references) or signal phrases each time you use the words or ideas of your sources in the essay. Cross-reference your work as explained in your handbook. The handbook is especially necessary for this essay.

• Support: You'll need a minimum of five sources. Support your ideas with expert opinion, facts, statistics, and other information you find in your research. It is a mistake to create a Frankenstein research paperby copying and pasting.

Reference no: EM132248985

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