Load passwords from a stored password file

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131878843

Assignment - We will be extending the Caesar cypher we looked at earlier into a full-fledged password saver. The program will be able to:

  • Lookup passwords for websites
  • Add new passwords for websites (encrypting them with the caesar cypher)
  • Store these passwords to a file on the computer
  • Load passwords from a stored password file

Most of the code is provided but there are some critical components missing. You will need to add these components.

A first draft is due at the end of Week 6. This is your opportunity to get feedback and support on this assignment. I do not expect your first submission to work, you will receive credit for any significant attempt.  The final version is due at the end of Week 7. Week 7 ends on a Friday, so don't wait until the last minute!

Create a python file called PasswordSaver.py in PyCharm and copy the following code into it.

Extra Credit: Add additional menu items to the program. For instance, add the ability to delete passwords.

The encryption function is already written for you

Step 1: You can say encryptedPassword = passwordEncrypt(unencryptedPassword,encryptionKey)]

#the encryptionKey variable is defined already as 16, don't change this

Step 2: create a list of size 2, first item the website name and the second item the password.

Step 3: append the list from Step 2 to the password list.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131878843

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2/26/2018 12:40:32 AM

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Readability. Code needs to be readable to both you and a knowledgeable third party. This involves: - Using indentation consistently (e.g., every function's body is indented to the same level). -Adding whitespace (blank lines, spaces) where appropriate to help separate distinct parts of the code (e.g., space after commas in lists, blank lines between functions or between blocks of related lines within functions, etc.), -Giving variables meaningful names. Variables named A, B, and C or foo, bar, and baz give the reader no information whatsoever about their purpose or what information they may hold. -Names like principal, maximum, and counter are much more useful. Loop variables are a common exception to this idea, and loop variables named i, j, etc. are okay. -The code should be well organized.


2/26/2018 12:40:26 AM

Functions should be defined in one section of the program, code should be organized into functions so that blocks of code that need to be reused are contained within functions to enable that, and functions should have meaningful names. This is a concept that we will be learning about as we write more and more code, and so few points, if any, will be taken off for organization issues that we have not yet addressed in class. 30.0 pts - Exceeds; No errors, code is clean, understandable, and well- organized. 17.0 pts - Meets; Minor issues with consistent indentation, use of whitespace, variable naming, or general organization. 15.0 pts - Nearly Meets; At least one major issue with indentation, whitespace, variable names, or organization. 12.0 pts - Does Not Meet; Major problems with at least three or four of the readability subcategories.

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