Literature search on the topic of workplace discrimination

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Reference no: EM133390174

Question: Imagine that you are a leader in a large organization that has received multiple complaints of discrimination. You are not a subject matter expert in this area so you decide to conduct a literature search on the topic of workplace discrimination.

Use this template to complete the following for your individual project (note: remove all red text before submitting this assignment):

  1. Select Your Articles:
    • Select at least 3 peer-reviewed articles on the topic of workplace discrimination. (Remember that peer-review means the article has been reviewed by others who are experts in the same field to very that the work is credible and high quality)
    • Copy the article's citation by clicking on the title of the article or the "full text online" link to bring up a full text version of the article
    • Click the "cite" icon and copy the APA version of the citation provided in the popup box
    • Paste the citation in the assignment template provided.
  2. Summarize the Content
    • Summarize the content of each article including the topic the researchers studied, the methodology and the conclusion.
  3. Summarize the Conclusions
    • Based on what you have found in these articles about workplace discrimination, describe what these studies tell us about the issue overall. You should create a summary of the conclusions of the three articles.

Reference no: EM133390174

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