Literature search based on barbara barnums discussion

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM131339499

1.) Conduct a literature search based on Barbara Barnum's discussion of the theory elements of content, context, and process. Pick one of these and discuss how it may be applied to your own practice.

2.) Choose a theory that finds practical application in critical care/pediatric/psychiatric nursing and discuss the origins of the theory based on the following criteria:

  • How did the happenings of the nursing profession impact the origin of this theory?
  • What values, evidence, or existing knowledge did the theorist cite to support the theory?
  • What was the theorist's motivation behind writing the theory?

3.) Identify a situation or circumstance in your practice setting where a concept from a healthcare theory is manifested. Evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen theory in that situation or circumstance. How will you apply this theory in other areas of your practice? Discuss its relevance to research.

4.) Identify an area of practice where change theory may find applicability. Provide examples to support your answer. Comment on the inherent weaknesses in change theory that may impact real life situations or give rise to difficulties in the process of applying this theory.

Reference no: EM131339499

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