Reference no: EM131467639
Literature review on Role of Gut microbiome and AGE (specially for those 20-45yr and 55yrs aboveis the range the review should focus on) in weight loss in this relation for among those on weightloss programs.
Articles should be from journals nature, cell, frontiers, plos one,lancet.No use of articles from other journals is permitted.
Proper intext citations and full refference in harward style folloing 15 pages to be included
One-two metanalysis studies ,epidemology studeis to be included from journals with impact factor high that 3.5
One -two small figure in for gut microbiome could be netwroks or rest should be included in the document-figures should not consume more than 1/4th of paper
Any amount of plagarism is strictly non tolerated
A completley organized review with easy flow starting from brader to geetting in to detail is the only format allowed.
Solid scientic understanding and critical reflections whould be included.
Articles should be from 2010-2017yr only human studies to be included.
The work you submit with merely meeting the requirments asked above or meeting no specifications will be equal to not submitting and will not be accepted and consederd as not submited and will result in zero
15 pages single spaced
Gradute level understanding, writing , and Reflection should be obvious in your review