Reference no: EM13351236
Literature Review on Electrochemistry
You are required to prepare a review-type essay on your given topic. Insert your completed review essay into a soft-bound cover with a clear plastic front.
Before starting your essay, please read this entire guidelines document first, and contact Neill if you have any queries about the process.
1.1 General Electrochemistry Background
Brief descriptions of common electrochemistry background related to your topic, including: what describes electrochemistry, and allows it to be used as an analytical tool (sensors); the difference between a amperometric electroanalytical and potentiometric techniques. Then, depending on your topic, the principles of potentiometry (membrane potentials, electrochemical potential etc.) or the principles of amperometry (the diffuse double layer, distribution of potential at an electrode-solution interface, choice of applied potential, etc.).
1.2 General Background of the Topic
Brief background to the significance of the topic and its wider relevance, citing salient references. Usually, use the present tense (is/are) or continuous past (has/have been) to describe literature reports - data which are presently in the public domain. These language points apply to the entire review.
1. Next Heading (e.g., Enzyme Source and Isolation)
2. Next Heading (e.g., Enzyme Immobilization), etc.