Literature review of contemporary management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131639185

Purpose of the assignment

This assignment is designed to get you to think more deeply about how you might solve the management challenge and why your chosen approach islis not the "best way." The main focus is on you discovering the latest management thinking to help you determine cutting edge solutions.

Requirements of the assignment:

- Re-state the problem in the context of your chosen management perspective as a research question.
o You may have to do some research on 'how best to formulate a research question.'

- Undertake a literature review of contemporary management literature that will help you to better understand the nature of the management challenge, how theory can inform a solution and what (if anything) has been tried before to solve this kind of problem (e.g. Has this challenge occurred before? Maybe in another industry? Has it been solved?)

- Continue to conduct industry and company research involving critically analysing and synthesising business information. (CLO3)
o Your information should be both broad and deep. Once you have collected the information, you have to critically analyse it.

- Identify and select appropriate tools, models and theories that will help you to understand the problem through the lens you have chosen
o These should be from scholarly sources.

- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the tools, models and theories you've selected. Suggest alternative methods to eliminate weaknesses.
o Again, rely on scholarly sources

- Write a report justifying why your research approach to solving the management challenge should be adopted.
o Use a report format.

Appendix: Write a 500 word response to the feedback you received in your first assignment and what you did in reaction to that feedback to develop your approach to achieving success in this assignment (this does not count towards your total word count).


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This assignment contains two parts paper: 1) Feedback paper- 500 words 2) Assignment- 2000 words The project paper is the discussion on the strategic plan for organization such as 'Red Cross' . The paper has tried to use the models and theories as expected which contribute to the organizational success in every way. The paper has also answered some of the questions asked through the management point of view.

Reference no: EM131639185

Questions Cloud

How proportion of heads settle down to the true probability : Describe the pattern you see. How quickly did the proportion of heads settle down to the true probability?
Define pressure energy and kinetic energy is not ideal : horizontally-orientated venturi tubes and orifice plates, inter-conversion between pressure energy and kinetic energy is not ideal
Explain what personal involvement in leadership means : Explain what personal involvement in leadership means. Why is being personally involved important?
Use the internet and strayer databases : Use the Internet and Strayer databases, and recall your readings in Chapter 15 of Introduction to Epidemiology and Chapter 15 of Epidemiology for Public Health.
Literature review of contemporary management : Literature review of contemporary management literature that will help you to better understand the nature of the management challenge
What percentage of parts will not meet the weight specs : What percentage of parts will not meet the weight specs? Within what values will 95.44 percent of sample means of this process fall,
What is the consumer revolution in china today : What is the consumer revolution in China today? Discuss the general trend of changing consumption patterns in at least 3 areas.
Describe major components of an effective statement of work : Describe the major components of an effective Statement of Work. Under what conditions are short term contacts preferable to long term contracts?
Discuss the fundamental actions : Discuss the fundamental actions that the leadership of the selected country is-or is not-taking to improve the living standards of its people.



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11/14/2017 3:22:36 AM

marking rubric part 2 25006832_1Screen Shot at 123817 AM.png the lecturer's feedback Marcus Lim Wei s3566200.docx Screen Shot at 123743 AM.png Screen Shot at 123806 AM.png


9/13/2017 1:12:29 AM

This assignment requires you to critique the frameworks used, and hence, it is also important to develop a very strong understanding of the frameworks and how they interlink. It is not about putting in a lot of frameworks into your report. It is about understanding which is the relevant framework to apply. Management assignment: How to identify and leverage the experience and knowledge that already resides within the organisation to improve organisation effectiveness About the Blood Service The Blood Service is a division of the Australian Red Cross and is responsible for the provision of blood products and related services to the Australian community. The Blood Service is a not-for-profit organisation that is funded primarily by the Australian Government and state/territory governments to provide fresh blood components and plasma for fractionation - and it is the only provider of these components in Australia


9/13/2017 1:12:19 AM

Overall, the analysis did not present insights into the complexities of this industry. It also did not present an understanding of how external factors (PESTEL and P5) are inter-linked, nor how external factors impact on the internal capabilities (or lack thereof) of the organisation. This resulted in a superficial management challenge, which would likely the quality of recommendations required for the subsequent assignments. A deeper level of thought and analysis is required. Quality of research needs to be much strengthened, to minimise the speculative nature of the analysis and to achieve a higher quality of understanding and analysis. Research should be broadened accordingly, to support a higher quality of understanding and analysis.


9/13/2017 1:11:34 AM

Presents factual information from some relevant sources representing limited points of view/approaches. Lack of analysis or critical appreciation of knowledge sources. Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. Failure to review critically, analyse, consolidate and combine knowledge and draw relevant conclusions. Presents information from irrelevant sources or in very insufficient quantity.


9/13/2017 1:11:19 AM

Breadth and depth of research (15%) Provides an in-depth synthesis of information from relevant sources representing various points of view / approaches. Demonstrated ability to critically review, analyse, synthesise, and apply theoretical and technical body of knowledge in a broad range of areas and diverse contexts perhaps with some synthesis. Presents information from relevant sources representing various points of view / approaches. Demonstrates some analysis of those views/approaches.


9/13/2017 1:10:59 AM

Demonstrates an ability in identifying a problem statement or related contextual factors. Important aspects of problem not addressed. Depth of reading insufficient to award a credit grade. Problem statement may be factual and descriptive rather than analytical. Develops a problem statement but lacks academic rigour, with material that is incomplete or irrelevant. Little evidence of knowledge of the relevant body of knowledge to make a persuasive case. Unable to or poorly demonstrates an ability to write a problem statement or identify important contextual factors. Work may have failed for one or more of the following: non- submission, academic misconduct, answering a different question from the one asked, poor or incoherent vocabulary, no evidence of correct scholarly referencing.


9/13/2017 1:10:47 AM

Marking Rubric High Distinction 80%- 100% Distinction 70%-79% Credit 600/0-69% Pass 50%-59% Fail 30%-49% Serious Fail <30% Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Identifies potentially significant yet previously less-explored aspects of the issue(s). Highly original or insightful work. All elements of the theoretical frameworks are skilfully developed. Appropriate methodology or theoretical frameworks may be synthesised from across disciplines or from relevant sub-disciplines. Identifies flaws in published work. Identifies tools, models, theories from a range of management disciplines. Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors considered and analysed. Appropriately addresses most relevant aspects of the issue. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors.

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