Reference no: EM131276010
Global Motors Segmentation Analysis
It is Monday, the first day in your new marketing internship. After a rigorous application and review process including two grueling interviews with Cory Rogers and Celeste Brown, you have been hired by CMG Research. It is 9 a.m., and you are in Cory Rogers's office along with. Cory says, "We know it is just your first day as the CMG Research marketing intern, but we are getting bogged down with a lot of work that must be completed very quickly, or our clients will be unhappy.
As I indicated to you a few days ago when I let you know that we chose you to be this year's marketing intern, Celeste and I were very impressed with your command of SPSS and your understanding of more advanced statistical analyses such as regression and analysis of variance. So, we are going to let you show us your stuff right away." Cory continues, "We are in the final stages of a major survey that we conducted for Global Motors. The company has five automobile models under consideration for multi-million-dollar development. We have provided the managers with a great deal of analysis, and they are in the process of narrowing down the development list. I would like to give them one more set of findings.
Specifically, I would like to give them target market definitions for each of the possible models. That is, using multiple regression analysis as a screening device, we need to identify the significant demographic and attitudes about global warming that uniquely define these preference segments." Celeste then says, "I can give you a copy of the SPSS data set, and, as you know, you can use SPSS Variable View or Utilities-Variables to see the code book for this survey." Cory ends the meeting with a concluding comment: "Great.
I am sure that you will do a fantastic job with this assignment. Celeste and I have to catch a flight in a couple hours, and we will be out of town for the next three days. But, you can call, text, or email. Let's set a meeting for 9 a.m. on Thursday, and you can show us what you have found." Your task as the new CMG marketing intern: use the GlobalMotors.Recorded.sav data file. Perform the proper analyses to identify the salient demographic and/or attitude factors that are related to preferences for each of the five automobile models under consideration. With each automobile model, prepare a summary that:
1. Lists the statistically significant independent variables (use 95% level of confidence).
2. Interprets the directional of the relationship of each statistically significant independent variable with respect to the preference for the automobile model concerned.
3. Identifies or distinguishes the relative importance of each of the statistically significant independent variables.
4. Assesses the strength of the statistically significant independent variables as they join to predict the preferences for the automoble model concerned.