List whether the index matches the given selection condition

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13336567

Question 1

Athabasca University has about 32,000 students between the ages of 17 to 60. Consider the AU student relation with the following schema:

Students (stud-id: integer, stud-name: string, gpa: integer, age: real)

For each of the following indexes, list whether the index matches the given selection conditions. If there is a match, list the primary conjuncts.2

1. A B+-tree index on the search key Students.stud-id.

a. σ Students.stud-id < 28,000 (Students)

b. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 (Students)

2. A hash index on the search key Students.stud-id.

a. σ Students.stud-id < 28,000 (Students)

b. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 (Students)

3. A B+-tree index on the search key Students.stud-id, Students.age.

a. σ Students.stud-id < 28,000 and Students.age = 21 (Students)

b. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 and Students.age> 21 (Students)

c. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 (Students )

d. σ Students.age = 21 (Students )

4. A hash-tree index on the search key Students.stud-id, Students.age .

a. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 and Students.age = 21 (Students)

b. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 and Students.age> 21 (Students)

c. σ Students.stud-id = 28,000 (Students )


Reference no: EM13336567

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