List three companies that have loyalty programs

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Reference no: EM133199816 , Length: Wrod Count: 500 words.

Problem: Amazon Target & Wal-Mart Loyalty Programs Comparative Essay

Brands are valuable, intangible assets that require careful management. Brands offer a number of benefits to customers and companies.

a) List three companies that have loyalty programs. Compare and contrast the programs and defend your position on which program you think provides the most benefit to the organization?

b) Do the programs have any benefit to you? Have they increased your loyalty to any of the companies chosen?

Professor's Guidance

Customer experience management is about more than serving your online customers. It is about more than knowing where customers shop and what brand of dog food they buy. It is about knowing your customers so completely that you can create and deliver personalized experiences that will entice them to not only remain loyal to you, but also to evangelize to others about you - and that is the most valuable form of advertising there is (Frow & Payne, 2007).

Frow, P., & Payne, A. (2007). Towards the ‘perfect' customer experience. Journal of Brand Management, 15(2), 89-101.

Reference no: EM133199816

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