Reference no: EM131145073
PURPOSE: To get an initial assessment of your current nutrition and identify areas for improvement.
You will need internet access to complete this assignment. You can go to the Computer Lab on the 2nd floor of A building at CVC if you do not have both of these at home.
PART I - Keep a daily log of EVERYTHING you eat and drink for at least 7 days. You will need to record exactly what you ate and approximately how much. (For example: 1 cup cheerios with ½ cup 2% milk.) Include all snacks and drinks.
1) Log onto
3) In the middle of the page is a button to register. You will need to create a user name and password.
4) Once you are logged in , click on the FOOD TRACKER button.
5) You will now be able to input everything you eat and drink for one entire day. Type in the food and click submit. Scroll down until you find the food that most closely resembles what you ate. You will need to enter the amount you consumed. Be careful to entire the correct measurement. Enter the meal you ate this item. ONLY DO ONE DAY AT A TIME.
6) Once you have entered everything you ate and drank for 1 day, click the NUTRIENT INTAKE REPORT.
After reviewing your results, answer the following questions.
Hint: It will be easiest to answer these questions when you are at the computer with your analysis on the screen. You can click on the different nutrients to get more information on each one.
1. Did your intake of any nutrient fall short of the "recommended or acceptable" range? If so, which one?
What should you eat to add more of these nutrients to your diet?
2. Did your intake of any nutrient exceed the "recommended or acceptable" range? If so, which one?
What did you eat or drink that contributed to the excess of this nutrient?
3. List 3 changes you could make to your current diet.