List the top 3 mistakes that presenters make in developing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131813851

Your original post must be at least 200 words in length. It must reference the text or course learning materials at least once.

Please note that even if the question asks for an opinion, you are still expected to support opinions with references to course materials.

You may use the textbook, intellipath, M.U.S.E., or any other credible academic sources to support your opinions.

Do not use Internet sources other than those provided in the course materials. In the narrative, describe where information was obtained. For example, "As mentioned in Chapter 2 of the course textbook, prioritizing tasks is..." or "As mentioned in the intellipath lesson for Unit 2..."

Your two response posts must be at least 75 words in length. Responses should contribute to the conversation by being reflective, specific, and engaging. Quick responses (such as "I agree," or "Thank you!") will not be counted as adequate.

Your first contribution must be posted before midnight CST (Central time) on Friday of each week. You must make two additional posts on separate days, between Saturday and Tuesday, before midnight CST. The original response and the peer responses can be completed in any order.

For assistance in supporting your assignment, please use your text and all course materials, including any materials provided by the faculty member.

Assignment Details

In this unit, you will focus on preparing the slides for your presentation. Based on the readings and your experience as a speaker and audience member, list the top 3 mistakes that presenters make in developing their slides. What advice would you give to your classmates on avoiding these mistakes?

Reference no: EM131813851

Questions Cloud

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