List the specific business where the position would work

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131733503



Choose one SPECIFIC company in your major area (hospitality, business, or dietetics industry) that has open positions posted on its Web site. Identify ONE line-level position that is currently available for the company you chose. Obtain a copy of the job posting along with any information about the job requirements, job description, or related tasks. You will upload a copy of the job posting as a separate file to iLearn when submitting your final paper.

1. Identify two different specific recruitment methods or sources your selected company should use to fill this open position. Explain why the recruitment method is applicable to your specific position and company and provide evidence based justification that supports how each specific recruitment method or source will be beneficial to the company (use citations to support your choices). You should use this opportunity to come up with new recruitment methods or sources that the company isn't currently utilizing (your recruitment plan should yield better outcomes than the current system).

2. Design a new selection process the company can use to evaluate the qualified applicants for this position. Select at least three different steps that applicants for the SPECIFIC POSITION AND COMPANY you have identified would have to go through during the selection process before the company would make a hiring decision. Explain (with citations) why each of the three steps is appropriate for the specific position and for the company. Describe how each of the three processes would be conducted and describe how each candidate will be evaluated during the selection process listing the specific criteria used to evaluate the potential candidates. You should use this opportunity to create a new selection process that will yield better outcomes that the current process. ONE OF THESE STEPS MUST BE AN INTERVIEW.

a. For example, when describing the Interview it would be appropriate to explain things like the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How the interview would be conducted. Some examples might include:

i. The type of interview (structured, unstructured, behavioral questions, situations questions, etc.)

ii. A list of the specific interview questions that would be asked to a candidate along with WHY those questions are appropriate (make sure they are SPECIFIC to the position and the company - avoid generic questions like "why do you want to work here" and "tell me about your strengths"

iii. An evaluation measurement (rubric) that would be used to rate responses from candidates

iv. Who in the organization would be responsible for conducting the interviews


1, position:

-front desk agent

A, Explain the position you have identified

Employee should be able to communicate with the customers because this job need to deal with the customers which mean have a great communicate it needed for the job. To able to communicate workers need to be fluent in englis. Employee who wants to apply for the job should have the ability to Organize, confirm, process, and conduct all guest check-ins/check-outs, room reservations, requests, changes, and cancellations. Secure payment; verify and adjust billing. Since this job is helping customers to check in/ check out workers also would have to able to answer phone call because customers is going to call and book their room for the night.

-ability to solve issues and react to emergency problems
-some computer skills
-already have experiences on front desk agent at least 2 years
-Work in our company before

B. List the specific business where the position would work

The positon would work in Marriott hotel as a front desk agent in California at San Mateo city in Burlingame

It would be great if the candidate has work in a hotel before, no matter what kind of hotel, small or large. Of course, it would be best if candidate work in high end hotel such as four seasons, or Hilton hotel. These working experiences in those hotel can help for working in Marriott hotel, because you know how the system work.

-Have experiences/ worked as a room division
-work in a job that deal with customers before
-have different culture background

2. Recruitment

a. I would be suggested that to use online recruitment, a online recruitment is everyone who are interested in this job can apply it online. They will send resume and cover letter to the company. Company should put a clear job description online(job information, what knowledge, skills and ability employee should have for this job. Company should include online applications or links to application sites. I would suggest to define job requirements this way manager know background characteristics needed to perform in this job and what kind of personal characteristics is required.

Company are benefit from online recruitment by time saving.
Company have a large range of selection
Company can easily create this recruitment

B. I would also have suggested company to use External recruiting method because compare to the internal recruiting, it can reduce bias. Even though it takes time, but we might find someone is very fit to this position and who willing to work in our company. It's a great method to use for an entry level of position. We can evaluate on the knowledge and skills that employee have.

-new blood to the company
-cheaper than training current employee
-Avoid bias

3. Selection

The first step to take in selecting process is review on application first. This step can help the company know about candied and some information about them, about their background, work experience. This way we can quickly go through who we want to know more about it and whether the candied meet our requirement for the job. It save our time for selecting process, if someone does not meet the requirement we can just pass them and move on.

The second step I would like to take in selecting process are interview. Interview can help us get more information about the applicants, we test them on different ways, such as communication skills, whether they are passion about the job or company. What kind of person they are and things like that to determine if the applicant is a good fit or not.

Reference no: EM131733503

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