List the principal alternative forms of investment

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131141926

List the principal alternative forms of investment that are available. What are the returns on each called? Rate them in terms of the characteristics described in Question 1.

Reference no: EM131141926

Questions Cloud

Describe the websites applications or multimedia resources : Describe the websites, applications, or multimedia resources. (two type of electronic devices or websites) How do health care providers use these resources to enhance their products and services?
Analyze service area factors for healthcare organizations : Examine three barriers that you believe represent the most significant obstacles to an effective competitor analysis. Propose a strategy to overcome each of the three barriers that you have identified.
What social class do you currently belong : What social class do you currently belong to? What are a few factors, that you can control that could lead to upward social mobility
Explain why you chose the category that you did : Decide which category of external trends you think impacts businesses the most. Choose from economic, legislative, socio-cultural, and technological trends. Explain why you chose the category that you did.
List the principal alternative forms of investment : Rate them in terms of the characteristics described in Question 1.
Write 4 curriculum vitae : Write 4 curriculum vitae/resume. - The first subject on one cv should be history and psychology - Second cv should include IT,mathematics and statistics etc.
What is your chosen career and prestige score : Select a career from the prestige ranking of occupation on page 188 in the class text. What is your chosen career and prestige score? Do you find this number is low( or high) base upon the other rankings? Why
Determine employment laws that apply to the selection : Determine two (2) employment laws that you must consider in the process in question, and examine the key ramifications of the organizationâ€TMs lack of enforcement of said laws.
Discuss the unemployment consequences of reducing inflation : The central bank has great credibility. The central bank announces a policy of disinflation, and the public believes the announcement. Inflationary expectations fall immediately.


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