List the names of the vendors who provided products

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131607366

Assessment: Query and update databases using SQL

Task Instructions - The 'assignment' database file will be made available on Interact2 Resources under Assessments folder.

Use MySQL software to complete this assignment.

Follow the instructions on 'how to import a database into MySQL': your teacher will also demonstrate this during class.

Use this (imported) database 'assignment5' to complete your assignment using MySQL.

A choice of another software may be possible after consultation with your teacher.

Write SQL statements to answer the following questions from the 'assignment5' database file.

1. Show sums of line totals for each invoice.

2. Locate the record in the vendor table that does not have a value for the attribute V_STATE

3. Find the customers whose balance is greater than 200 but less than 300.

4. Using natural join and having, list the customers whose invoice total is greater than 200

5. Show the names of the customers for whom we have invoices.

6. Using natural join and having, list the customers whose invoice total is greater than the average

7. Show the names of the customers for whom we DO NOT have invoices.

8. Using natural join and having, list the customers whose invoice total is the maximum. 

9. List the first name and last name of the customers and how many times a customer has generated an invoice.

10. List all purchases by customer 10018.

11. List the names of the vendors who provided products. 

12. Using inner join, list the details of the products which sold more than 10 units.

You are required to submit:

1. The SQL statements for each query, which should be copied from your MySQL Workbench and pasted into your submission file. The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your MySQL Workbench and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query.

2. The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query. If you used an output file please submit only the output file.

Rationale -

This assessment aligns with the following subject outcomes: be able to critically analyse and modify an existing database design to meet new business requirements;

Reference no: EM131607366

Questions Cloud

Compare gilgamesh and odysseus : Compare Gilgamesh and Odysseus as to their heroic qualities, noting similarities and differences, using specific examples from the epics
Discuss about the two species of grass in the meadow : The density function and cumulative distribution function of heights of grass plants in a meadow are in Figures 8.95 and 8.96, respectively.
Identify the one environment that best describes you : Identify the one environment that best describes you. Interpret your results using the descriptions of personality types on page 57.
Write a paper that integrates what you have learned : Write a paper that integrates what you have learned throughout this course, and describe and discuss 4-6 important competencies .
List the names of the vendors who provided products : List the names of the vendors who provided products. Find the customers whose balance is greater than 200 but less than 300
Employee motivation and recognition programs in the public : Employee motivation and recognition programs in the public sector workplace.
Problem related to the telephone company : After measuring the duration of many telephone calls, the telephone company found their data was well approximated by the density function p(x) = 0.4e-0.4x.
Advancing a resolution to the ethical dilemmas : Is the practice of a student paying for someone to write an assignment and then submitting it as their own work an ethical issue?
Discuss stroke use evidence-based research : Identify ways to enhance or optimize health and ways to prevent Heart Disease and Stroke use evidence-based research



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The SQL statements for each query, which should be copied from your MySQL Workbench and pasted into your submission file. The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your MySQL Workbench and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query. The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query. If you used an output file please submit only the output file.


8/21/2017 7:06:55 AM

SQL syntax returns all attributes that meet the business requirement from the tables that hold the data and applies the correct restrictions to retrieve the required information. Requirements - Either submit your assignment as a PDF or a Word document. Don't use any other file formats. Please include your student ID, name and subject code in your submission. Submission Method: Turnitin. Details will be provided by the lecturer during the session.

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